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"You're late bitch!!" Zeus said as I entered olympus.Olympus by the way was not as developed as it is in your time...Now,it's just a piece of shit!."Zip it sparky" I said as I took my seat..my seat was beautiful..it was made out of the bones of the first dying dinosaur.....shocked??don't be.The heads of my armrests were skulls of the first humans to die...(My first Clients)
"You're late" Zeus said with sparkle in eyes....."Hold on" I said to myself as  I looked at my baby bro properly for the first time in a long time and something was different and I can't just put my finger on it...Oh!!..his black hair had become white and his goatee had transformed into a forest of grey "old man" beards"Loved what you did to your hair dude...washed it??" I asked with a touch of sarcasm..."Very funny....if you weren't already fucked up,I'll have fucked you up..I've been busy planning the revolution...I have made arrangements with.."Before he could complete his statement,Hermes,the messenger god rushed in "Zeus" he called out with a frown on his face"Those bitches are at it again" I wondered to myself who these bitches were..I hoped they were cute goddesses and I crossed my fingers "Let them come in" He boomed with Ego. "I hope they fight to to the death" Ares said.
Hermes led them in and I saw the Identical twin brothers  Prometheus,the one who moulded you mortals and his twin brother,
"This would be intresting" I mumbled to Thanathos was seated next to me (Don't ask any questions yet)
"What's the matter??"Alastor the god of family fueds and avenger of evil deeds asked "I created my beloved and most prized possession even..."The fleshies"(They had not come up with a cool name yet)
"Go on,we all know about your fleshies" "They are not like us.they're weaker and could be hurt by anything" "Get to the freaking point"Athena called out from her chair."He created some new beast that he calls the Λύκοι(wolves) which causes 70 deaths per year alongside the
καρχαρίες(Sharks) which causes 100 deaths per year since the fleshies are really into fishing and also the Φίδια(Snakes) which cause 100 deaths.
"What do you have to say for yourself?" Zeus asked Epimethus
"Fuck the fleshie, οι δημιουργίες μου πρέπει να τρώνε" (Fuck the fleshies,my creations need to eat" he said. I knew he deserved to be punished for his actions Alastor already stood at the back of Epimethus but my brother said the dummest thing "It's a food chain" Poseidon,who has been asleep woke up with a surprised  look on his face"What??" He asked and looked at me.I gave him a confused look."They are responsible for  reducing the human populace so...it's a  good thing....resources would be managed Case closed"...he said.
"What the heck happened?" Thanathos asked me "Don't be shocked dude" I responded "There's a reason why he's not the god of wisdom" "Something's  happening and me must find out what it is"

Really long chapter,Hope you enjoyed it

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2018 ⏰

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