When you wish bad for someone,
When you don't want them have something nice or when you dont want them to have something better than you, it will backfire on you,not them.
There is reason why we are taught to want for others what we want for ourselves. Because that is where the blessings are. Its called being genuine and having a good heart and good intentions. And that what its about. Intention. So If you have bad intention for someone else, for no real reason whatsoever.. then you are setting up yourself for a big fall..... Allah is always with good hearted ones.. dont try to hurt others and dont think bad about others without any reason... if you have any reason to think bad about anybody leave to Allah.. he will show you any way for cleaning you mind.. always try to clean your mind and heart... and trust in Allah.."A beautiful lessen from surah Yusuf , is that even if the closest person go against you as long as gou hav trust in Allah (swT) and have patience, he will rise your status and open doors for you in the darkest moment..."
Assalamu alaikum.. i hope you all like my books if you any queries plz inform me... if you like my books plz vote and comment..
BeAuTy OF IsLaM.
EspiritualBismillahi Rahmani Raheem.. In the name of Allah... The beauty of the Islam is you cannot change its messages, but its messages can change you..