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"Finally" I sighed as I stepped out into the cool air.

That's when it hit me. No, not the cold. I had no idea where I was, how I got here or who I was. The more I tried to remember anything about myself the more it seemed to fade away. "Shįt" I muttered as the weight of the situation started to sink in.

I guess I'm just gonna have to find something or someone that could help me. I picked a random direction and started walking. The more I walked the more it seemed like the cold died down.

I could still see the cloud of air every time I exhaled. I decided to drop my train of thought and started to pay more attention to my surroundings.

The trees were tall and the sky started loosing color as it faded to a cloudy grey. I looked behind me, the cabin already gone from my line of sight. I continued to walk, still looking behind me and tripped over a branch.

I gasped at the sudden change of direction and shut my eyes closed, my body tensing. Though the incident didn't turn out as I expected it to. It felt almost as something slowed down and stopped my fall. The side of my face hit the floor painlessly actually, like the fall wasn't more than an inch high.

"What the hell?" I picked myself up, confused as to what had happened. My attention was drawn elsewhere as something small landed on the tip of my nose. Looking up, I saw millions of white snowflakes. I smiled at the sight. It was beautiful. I continued to walk with a small smile on my face, the strange fall I took quickly forgotten.

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White noise //Supernatural// (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now