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I continued to walk with a small smile on my face, the strange fall I took quickly forgotten.

The forest changed in to an almost pure white fast, the snow sparkling everywhere I looked. God, I love nature. Always calms me. After a few minutes of walking I could see a clearing in the distance. It was a frozen lake.

Smiling at the sight I walked closer and stopped right at the edge. It looked...thick...you could walk on it safely...not that I would, that would be crazy... I looked away from it and continued around it, my eyes wandering to the ice a few times.

I scolded myself but gave in to the rebelious side and carefully placed one foot on the slippery surface. I bit my lip in concentration and put my other foot forward also. "Going over would probably be much faster than going around..." I muttered as I slowly started moving my legs.

Soon I was sliding across the surface with a large grin. Stumbling a few times I managed to luckily catch myself every time. Then suddenly...crack. I looked down and cursed under my breath. I took a cautious step...crack. "You got to be kidding..." I took another step, the ice creacking and shifting under my weight. "Noted. Next time don't listen to your inside voice. Good job, me." I sighed and looked ahead, the ground not too far. I could make it if I-

//Cliffhanger hehe. Thoughts?//

White noise //Supernatural// (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now