Part 4

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Shōta's POV...
"No one's coming to save you. You're going to die and there's nothing you can do about it." Shigaraki whispered, sending chills down Shōta's spine.
"Give in fighting and just succumb to the inevitable. Your going to d-"
He was interrupted by a loud crash downstairs, followed a few moments later by the rush of footsteps up the stairwell.

"Zashi" I murmured

Shigaraki smirked and let out a small laugh.
"Aw you think he'll save you? Not if I have anything to do with it. Kurogiri. Get ready."

The black hole villain casually strolled over to the door and stood, waiting.

''SHŌTA!'' Yamada yelled with this quirk, making Kurogiri lose his footing and fly back against the wall, hitting his head hard enough to knock him out cold.

''Shit!'' Shigaraki cursed, as he tensed up.
''Hizashi'' He mumbled
"Son of a- Nomu! Attack!"

He cried out in pain again. Tears coming faster and faster. His nose was running and everything hurt. If Shigaraki was going to kill him he better get it over and done with soon as he didn't know how much longer he could take it.

Concentrate on your breathing Shōta. You can make it through this. Just breath. Just breath. Just brea-
He could feel himself fading away, his grip on reality was getting weaker by the second. He didn't know how much longer he could physically take this amount of pain.

"YEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHH" Yamada screamed, slamming the Nomu into a window and throwing him out onto the street. With the amount of blood lacing the wall and the window pain, it's safe to assume it's dead.

Shigaraki tightened his his grip on Shōta, more pain shot threw him and he cried out in pain again.

Everything is spinning. Shit shit shit I'm going to die. This pain is unbearable oh my god holy fuck this is it. His breath sped up and his chest tightened.

Hizashi will never know I feel and I'll die alone, without ever having anyone and oh my god he's going to die as well, at the hands of this bastard holy fuck.

"Take one more step and I'll kill him" Shigaraki said, talking his hand off his thigh and placing it on his neck, apart from his middle finger, which he left elevated as to not activate his quirk on him.

"Zashi- go! You'll die if you don't! Bring down the victims. You have a life, fans, a girlfriend probably! You have way more to live for than me. Just promise me you'll take care of my cats. Miki and Maki love you and they'll be happy to live with you. Just go now before it too late!"

"I'm not leaving you Shōta! How could you ever think I would! Sure I have a following but that isn't my will to live. My will to live is you and my friends and family! Sure Miki and Maki love me but they love you more! So I'm not going anywhere Shōta because I love you."

"How touching. A confession of love. It makes me sick. Either way, your boyfriend will die so there's no point in your little speeches so you might as well go home Present Mic. Look after his cats and live your life or whatever."

The look on Yamada's face went from sad to mad instantaneously.
"IM NOT LEAVING HIM BEHIND." He yelled, sending tables and chairs flying back into the back wall. Shigaraki, however, stayed in place, with Shōta still held firmly to the ground, his hand still over his neck.

"If you think that little trick of yours will work on me, you're wrong. I had a feeling you'd be the one playing hero so I took precautions to make sure I didn't succumb to your stupid quirk." He smirked, his feet and legs were tied to the ground so he didn't fly back.

Yamada gasped. Without thinking he jumped forward and took a flying punch at Shigaraki that landed in his throat, winding him for a second.

He regained composure, smiled a big unsettling grin and placed his middle finger on Shōta's throat.

"NO!" Yamada exclaimed, jumping at the villain again, but not in time as Shōta's skin on his neck started to disintegrate away.

"No...." Shōta passed out on the floor from pain.

Yamada felt tears on his face as he went at Shigaraki with all he had, punching and kicking and trying to cause him as much pain as he could, finally ending it by grabbing Shigaraki by the hair and slamming his head into the ground.

He dragged Shigaraki's lifeless body off Shōta's.

"Eraser..." he said, barely holding it together
"Aizawa..." with every word, he could feel himself breaking down more and more
"Shōta..." finally, he collapsed over Shōta, sobbing, feeling his shallow and half dead breaths. He stood up, still sobbing, picked up Shōta and carried him out of the abandoned bar, all the way to the hospital.

Sorry not sorry ;D I don't know why I made it depressing as hell but I did so enjoy this longer chapter to make up for 1. My deadness and 2. The shortness of all the other chapters. Next chapter and the last chapter will be fluffy and very gay so enjoy them when they come.

(The one shot book I'm making will be just fluff no smut or angst, just fluff to heal the soul for those who wanted to know :))


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