Chapter Five

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When Barry came around for what must have been the third and final time, he blinked up at the bright lights overhead. He took a deep breath and looked around the medical room he was in. There were flickers of memory flashing inside his head and he remembered being shot three times by Len's father. He remembered the cold that spread through his body when Len used the cold gun to stop the bleeding.

"Sorry Scarlett."

Barry closed his eyes for a few moments before he sat up, hands going to his midsection on pure instinct alone. His fingers ran over nothing but smooth skin; the wounds were gone. He was fully healed. Opening his eyes, Barry threw his legs over the edge of the bed. He needed to know if Len and the others were okay as well as what happened with Lewis Snart. Standing up, he left the room in search of his team. Upon approaching the cortex, Barry heard voices steadily rising from inside the room.

"It happened and that's the end of it!" Snart's--Len's, voice filtered out through the open doorway. "I made my choice and there's no going back but I did it for Lisa and for him. Lewis would never have left him alone, not after this."

"As an officer I have to arrest you." Joe's voice was firm but soft, as if he was apologetic about something. "But as a member of team Flash, I--"

Barry, far beyond confused, decided to walk into the cortex at that moment, his words cutting Joe off mid-sentence. "Hey, what's going on?"

The greeting he got wasn't what he expected and only made him more confused. Cisco and Caitlin were standing side-by-side frowns on their faces as they listened to Joe and Snart argue, Iris stood a little off to the side her face passive and Oliver watched the argument with his arms crossed, his face blank. When he entered the room and spoke, everyone turned to look at him and the atmosphere dropped to about zero. Barry waited for an answer, glancing at Snart.

"Barry, how are you feeling?" Caitlin asked gently.

He knew the question was genuine but it was also being used to deflect his own question. She was probably hoping to get him sidetracked but he decided to humor her and give her an answer. "I feel fine," he said. "But seriously, what's going on?"

Oliver was the first to speak. "Snart killed his father."

Despite Barry's 'no killing' complex, he found that he wasn't as upset with Snart as he thought he would have been. If he was being honest, he was glad the man was gone. Even if gone meant he was dead. After all the things Lewis Snart has done, to Len and Lisa and anyone else, he deserved it. It would be a lie to say the man didn't have it coming.

"I had to." Snart spoke, his voice was almost pleading and Barry realized that he was trying to get him to see that there really was no other way. He was pleading with him to understand.

"I know." Barry said. His response shocked the others and they watched him with gobbsmacked faces as he moved forward. "I'm not mad and I think Snart should get a pass on this."

"Barry--" Joe started.

"Joe," Barry looked at him, his hazel eyes holding a confidence in them that wasn't there before. "Lewis Snart was a menace to everyone. He tried to kill me and even if he went to prison, he'd just escape again. Did he put the gun down when you told him to?"

Joe shook his head, sighing. "He took aim on Snart instead."

"Then it was self-defense." Barry looked at his friends. "Would any of you have done anything different in his position?"

The question was immediately met with a chorus of 'no's' and Barry took a deep breath before exhaling slowly. He carded his fingers through his hair and nodded, turning to say something else when the police scanner connected to Cisco's computer crackled to life and a voice came through.

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