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I YAWN LOUDLY and lean against Agnus, my horse. We've been riding all day and I was officially done, I needed rest.

"We should set up camp, the sun is going to go down soon," Griffin says, his voice was husky and it sent a shiver down my spine.

I nodded and pulled on my reigns to make Agnus walk to the left where I knew there was a shelter of some sorts. My three companions followed behind me in a slow trot, Rose in front of Griffin and Davis following behind Griffin, he was a guard and Rose's boyfriend.

I finally stopped at a little shack that was just four poles and a sheet of metal as a roof, I jumped off Agnus and tied him to one of the poles. The three of them follow my lead.

"I'll set up tents, Rose and I will share and Davis and Griffin will share, okay?" I ask and I see Rose smirk but before I can ask what's she up to, she speaks, "I think I'll share with Davis," she says and I see Davis smile as well.

"B-but we are female, and they're male.." I say my eyes wide as I gaze at Rose, not daring to look at Griffin.

"But she's my girlfriend and I would rather share with her," Davis says and grabs Rose by her hip, she giggles and I sigh.

"You know what? I don't care. Griffin go get firewood, Rose go to the lake and start fishing, you can use my pole and Davis go help Griffin or do something else." I say my voice stern, everyone listens and I look over at Griffin to see him smiling slightly.

I start with the tents and by the time I'm done no one is back yet so I start feeding the horses and unsaddling them.

Griffin was the first one back, in his hands was a large pile of perfect sticks to make a fire, I thank him and he just nods before starting on the fire.

"You know, you would make a good Queen." He says and I choke on air, I swerve around and glare at him.

"Whatever. You have Ellamara." I say, venom lacing my words.

He rolls his eyes and gets up walking over to me, I step back as he moves forward.

"What are you doing?" I growl and he smirks and keeps walking towards me, I bump into the pole and gasp as his hands shoot out and grab my hips.

"Griffin," I say my voice strained and he leans in and places a kiss where my neck and shoulder meet, I let out a quiet moan against my will and his chest grumbles with a growl. I put my arms around his neck and grab ahold of his hair.

He pulls back and faces me, his eyes burning brighter than I had ever seen them look.

"Do you know what Griffin stands for?" He murmurs, his husky voice dancing across my skin sending stinging shocks of pleasure over my skin.

"No," I reply in a whisper my breath coming out laboured, my knees trembled as the tip of his finger dragged across my cheek.

"Beast." He replies "You can't be with me, no one can. I'm a monster." He says and brings his face down into the crook of my neck, I shiver involuntarily and gasp as I feel his canines hovering just above my flesh.

"I'm a monster." He sighs and I look at him, he was hurt and angry.

I knew I couldn't have him even if I wanted him, he was my sisters.

"You're not mine," I say and my eyes close without my permission because I feel like I'm going to cry.

He growls and it rings in my ears, my throat closes and he tightens his hold on me, "I am yours." He says his voice was filled with honestly but I couldn't believe him.

"No, you are Ellamara's, I can't- we can't- this can't happen." A tear falls from my eye without permission and I sigh.

"Haven," He says and I open my eyes looking into his normal eyes.

"You are mine, and I am yours, we are meant to be." He says but I couldn't believe him because I knew Ellamara was sleeping in their bed right now.


Oh my gosh, well I took a hot minute sorry.

I don't know how to say sorry so I'm just gonna go before you kill me👾

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