Sister to Sister

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Prompt: Lilly and Carley are besties and talk about guys and relationships. Lilly gets jealous of Lee and Carley's relationship.


"Hey Car." Lilly said as she sat beside her best friend, Carley. It had been a rough day, and now she just wanted to talk for a little bit.

"Hey Lil." Carley answered, smiling as her friend sat down beside her. She loved times like this, when she could just normally talk to her friend, making it seek like nothing was going on outside, even though it was hell out there.

"Where's Lee?" Lilly asked jokingly. Carley chuckled.

"He's out on a run. He'll be back soon."

"I have a quick question for you."


"Where do you see your relationship with him going, exactly?"

Carley thought for a moment. "How far in the future are we looking?"

"A few years, maybe."

"In a few years, I'm hoping that this will be all over. I'm hoping that there will be a cure or something, or that all of the walkers are gone. Then maybe we could finally settle down and slow down a bit with our relationship."

"Does he want a family?"

"I'm assuming he does, but he never mentioned it. Clem will be there with us though, I'm sure of it."

"You don't think her parents will ever be found?"

"Not really. It's sad, but I think there's a very minuscule chance."

"Poor thing."

"I know."

"So... Is Lee affectionate?"

"Very. He's a cuddler."

"He is? Wow."

"Yeah, we can cuddle for hours and hours."

"Must be nice." Carley could hear the jealousy dripping in Lilly's voice as she said this, and it sort of made her feel bad.

"It is."

Lilly sighed. "Is it... Hard to be in a relationship while all of this is going on?"

"Kind of. I mean, we don't have a lot of moments per say. But we manage to make it work, somehow."

"Wow. You two still remain strong. You must really love each other."

"We do."

Lilly stared into space for a few moments, not saying a word.

"What're you thinking about?" Carley asked her friend.

"The rest of us. I mean, there are people like you and Lee who are going to start a family after this all ends. Then there's rest of us. I mean, there aren't going to many people left, unless they find a cure, which may or may not happen. If there never is a cure, what're we going to do? Go extinct? Even the ones who have families will die eventually."

"I guess we're fucked unless there's a cure."

"Yeah. It's just... I'm also sort of jealous you and Lee."

"Why us?"

"Because you fell in love during all of this and you are still going strong. To me, that's pretty badass. If it were me in a relationship, I wouldn't last like you guys."

Carley smiled, laughing. "Thanks, Lil."

A few seconds later, Lilly asked "Hey Car?"


"You think I'll ever find a Lee?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Yeah right."

"Yeah, well I see the way that Doug looks at you. Mark too."



Lilly simply smiled.

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