Chapter 1

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Fjord and Beau circle each other in their favorite training area belonging to the Cobalt Soul. It's a daily occurrence, and the monks have long since learned to let them be.

Today, however, is unusual in that Beau is more frustrated, angrier, than usual. An interaction with her father does that. He had jovially informed her that she will need to go to the throne room later to talk to him and her mother. The fact that he was so happy to tell her, that could mean one of two things. One, he's possessed by a ghost-person that actually likes her. Or two, she's in trouble or is about to be told something that'll make her miserable. Sadly, the latter is much more likely.

Fjord has known Beau long enough to know when she doesn't want to talk about it, and immediately after the delightful encounter with her father, he dragged her towards the training grounds. They left Jester to rush off and grab breakfast for them, which the blue tiefling was more than happy to do.

Beau grits her teeth and takes a deep breath, using her training to center herself. She darts forward to close the space between Fjord and herself before swinging her bo. It moves in a perfect arc and Fjord doesn't manage to move out of the way. Instead, his attempt to dodge gets him more in the way.

The bo hits his temple with a resounding crack that echoes in the clearing. Beau winces at the sound, letting out a quiet sympathetic "ooh" as Fjord stumbles at the side. One of his hand holds his falchion while the other goes up to his head.

"Sorry Fjord, I thought you saw that coming."

"It's alright," he's quick to assure her.

Fjord shakes his head and attempts to refocus as he swings with his falchion, but it completely misses Beau. She retaliates automatically, using the wide opening he left to crack him in the ribs. He lets out a grunt, his face screwing up briefly with pain.

Fjord takes a moment to take in a few deep breaths that aren't exactly painless, and Beau doesn't attack again, concern once again showing through her anger. He waves off her concern and stands up straight again from his hunched over position and nods to her.

"You're doing real good today." His voice sounds more strained than usual and he manages to grimace-smile at her.

Beau doesn't make the first move and Fjord flexes his grip on his falchion before moving towards her to be able to attack. As he attempts to hit her again, his side twinges and it goes wide again. Beau moves to his right side and she swings her bo towards him, but he's starting to show the pain on his face more and her concern wins over her desire for victory. He still looks pretty dazed from that unexpected headshot and her bo doesn't even connect, instead swinging wide, leaving a good couple inches between him and her attack.

Fjord shakes his head again, seeing that Beau's about to call their training session on account of his absentmindedness. Determined, he pulls himself together and slashes towards her, surprising them both when it connects with Beau's arm and cuts a small wound down her upper arm that begins to slowly ooze blood after a moment.

With renewed vigor, Beau swings her staff again, some of the blood flying off her arm as she does so. She swings low and sweeps Fjord's legs from under him.

He lets out a "Wha?" as he falls flat on his back, the wind knocked out of him.

"Ready for a break? I have donuts!" Jester cries from where she's standing a safe distance away, outside of the training area. She makes eye contact with Fjord and grins. "Are you okay, Fjord? I saw Beau knock you on your ass!"

"I'm good," he says, sounding strained.

Beau holds out her hand and helps Fjord stand. She looks to Jester as he brushes the dust off his armor. Her stomach growls discontentedly, reminding her that she didn't manage to eat much this morning. Knowing that she can't avoid her parents forever, they'll have to make their way over to them soon. Beau puts away her bo and Fjord sheathes his falchion as they both approach their friend, who happily hands them each a plate of donuts. They sit down on a bench nearby.

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