One - City menace

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A/N: Before you begin please bare in mind that I started this story a while ago, so the first few chapters might not be as great as the most recent ones. I am in the process of editing the first few chapters so please bare with me :) I hope you enjoy regardless!

Namjoon sat in a calculating silence as he watched the news of the girl who had been found murdered behind a nightclub building the previous night. 

It was the third one within two weeks, and there was no denying who or perhaps what was responsible. 

Cliche much? Namjoon thought with careful narrowed eyes. Could have been more original about it. 

Someone cursed under their breath from the doorway, finally entering the living room and taking a seat on an expensive velvet chaise lounge.

Namjoon didn't have to turn to know who it was, he could smell it.

His second in command, Jin, sat there with a remorseful look on his handsome features as his dark eyes studied the images flashing on the large flat screen T.V. 

    "Just when things were starting to seem peaceful." The elder said softly, breathing out a sigh from his nose as if carrying a heavy weight on his shoulders. 

    "Peace never lasts, hyung. You of all people should know that." Namjoon sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. As a leader he carried a great burden, of keeping everyone he loved safe, especially in this world full of monsters.  

"You're right, but it's ok to dream now and then." Jin replied sheepishly. 

"If it's what I think it is, I want everyone back here. We're safer and stronger if we're all together."

"Ok, I'll get Yoongi to help me send word out..." Jin may have finished his sentence, but Joon could tell by the way Jin left his voice hanging in the air, that he still had something to say and turned to him with a raised brow. 

"Umm..." Jin rubbed the back of his neck struggling with his words. He finally met Namjoon's stare and said, "How do you want to contact (Y/n)?"

Namjoon's something in his chest seize up at the name.

(Y/n). The name he and the others could never let leave their minds.   

Namjoon rubbed his temples in annoyance. "Well whatever you do, call her first, then if we need to go and get her, do not send Taehyung or Jungkook, for obvious reasons. We don't want to drive her away. Again." 

"I was thinking the same thing." Jin smiled sadly. 

A certain lyricist stood against the wall in the hallway like a silent shadow, listening. Hearing your name after so long made his stormy mind calm into a still ocean. It was his peace of mind. You had always been his anchor, even now, when you weren't there with them. 

Although hearing that you would be called back to the manor, he wasn't so sure you would come home so willingly...He could only hope that your were safe and happy. 

The seven of them would be over the moon to see you again, but after what had happened when they all saw you last, Yoongi knew for a fact you wouldn't feel the same.


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