Fifteen - Hunter

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WARNING: Blood and gore

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The woman's windpipe was ripped out straight from her neck preventing her continuation of ear-splitting screams. Stringy red flesh hung loosely from her throat and slapped about as her body jolted and spasm-ed about as she was being feasted upon. 

Two huge bodies of fur, teeth and claws tore into the woman, each consuming their fill, until their stomachs were satisfied. Teeth and claws clattered against bone as they ripped through the buttery flesh and released endless flows of thick blood onto the concrete. 

However, one of the beast's never was truly satisfied with his kills. One after another, girl after girl and still his frustrations were not eased.

These girls that he preyed on were easy game. Too easy. Yet the one he sought after had managed to escape his radar once again. 

He was sick. He had a sick fascination of killing and feasting upon the flesh of females. They were so much sweeter, and more addicting. But although human females were delicious, he wanted to taste something better, something exotic. Something perhaps, that wasn't human.

He was getting tired of hunting humans. They were easy game, and when they ran they were never fast enough for him to get a decent chase out of. It was quickly becoming something of a bore to him. What he would give, just to hunt down something that was worth chasing after. A sort of prey that wouldn't go down easily. Say, a feisty she-wolf? Something that would be a challenge, would be something of a worthy meal. 

Unfortunately for him, the she-wolf he had been stalking for some time now was no longer in the city. Some other wolves he hadn't smelt before had gotten to her before he could even get close. Usually, he would have given up, and left to find another hunting ground, but something had him hell-bent on hunting down this particular she-wolf. 

Female wolves were rare and he hadn't seen or smelt another around for years. It irked him that he missed his chance, but no matter, wolves were born natural hunters. He knew he would manage to track you down soon. It was only a matter of time and patience. He also had to be careful about these other male wolves that seemed to have taken you. He had scented two of them. He couldn't be sure if they were pack wolves or not. 

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