part seven☽

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                     one year later
lilly had lived her life without jaeden which hadn't been the same. she hoped one day that she would see him again. she got out her laptop and bought a one way ticket to toronto to see jaeden. she missed him more than anything.

                   day of the flight

lilly boarded the plane and sat in her seat. she fell asleep for the rest of the flight with her earbuds in. she knew that when she woke up she was gonna be where she needed to be. no matter how many miles were between them, she was gonna do whatever it takes to see him. she finally landed and got all her luggage and took a uber to jaedens house. she rang the doorbell. Angela Lieberher opened the door and gasped. "omg lilly!!" she whispered knowing she was surprising jaeden. "hey angie!" lilly whispered back hugging her. "he's upstairs in his room" his mom said. lilly walked upstairs quietly and saw his door was cracked so she knocked on the door. "come in!" jaeden yelled. she opened the door and jaeden couldn't believe his eyes. "LILLY!" jaeden yelled with excitement. he ran up to her and hugged her, they rocked from side to side. "i missed you like crazy" he said with his eyes tearing up. "aw! don't cry lieberher" lilly said lightly touching his nose. "how long are you staying?" jaeden asked her. "how ever long you want me to" lilly replied. "hey! i have a good idea and i think you'll love it." jaeden said smirking. "what is it?" lilly questioned him, "you surprise millie!" jaeden replied smiling. "OMG YES I NEED MY MILLS!" lilly squealed, jaeden giggled. jaeden texted millie asking to meet him at a local coffee shop. jaeden drove there with lilly and told her to hide in the bathroom. jaeden was gonna text her and tell her when to come out. there table was in front of the bathroom so he was gonna have millie sit not facing the bathroom so lilly could come up from behind her and surprise her. millie walked in and sat down with jaeden. then lilly walked out and said "mills!" millie got up and turned around and hugged her so hard they fell. it made lilly think of the day they met :)

milliebobbybrown: missed my bean ♡lillymarie: missed you too mills! ♡finnwolfhardoffical: OMG LILLY IS BACK?!jaedenwesley: missed her sfm 😍wyattoleff: lilly!!! lillymarie: @ wyattoleff wYEET

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milliebobbybrown: missed my bean ♡
lillymarie: missed you too mills! ♡
finnwolfhardoffical: OMG LILLY IS BACK?!
jaedenwesley: missed her sfm 😍
wyattoleff: lilly!!!
lillymarie: @ wyattoleff wYEET

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                      in real life

"we should have a sleepover lilly!" millie suggested.

"well, i flew 16 hours to see jaeden but .. i can talk to him."

"okay, sorry .."

"it's fine millie!"

"hey jaeden so, millie wants me to have a sleepover with her .. is that okay?"

"yes of course!"

"millie he said yes"


          millie's house 9:00 PM

lilly sat on millie's bed with a sad look on her face.

"hey, what's wrong lills?"


"you miss jaeden"


"i'll take over there, we can all hang out"

"okay .. sorry millie"

                      in real life

lilly and millie pulled up to jaedens and knocked on the door. jaedens mom let them in. lilly walked upstairs and opened the door slowly. she saw something .. a girl .. on jaedens lap .. it was none other than Lilia Buckingham. jaeden noticed the door so he got up and saw lilly crying on the stairs. "crap .." he thought. he say down next to her. "whats wrong" he asked. "what's wrong?! what's wrong?! i just saw you in there with a girl on your lap! i came here FOR YOU! not millie, YOU! i love you jaeden, i always have! and this is what i get in return?! you- you promised me .." she showed him the promise ring he gave her the day she left for georgia. "i.." he was cut off by lilly. "you what jaeden? you like her, you're with her! i'm going home tomorrow. ya'll have a good life.". jaeden grabbed her wrist and spun her around, which made them kiss. it was a long kiss, lilly pulled out of the kiss and jaeden said, "i've never had a girlfriend, besides you .. she was just helping me be better. you deserve better than what you have lilly! i just want to provide you with everything you deserve.".

☁︎☼ the miles between us ☁︎☼ (jaeden lieberher)Where stories live. Discover now