3: To Song Time!

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"My little Red~ Are you already bored of me? Engaged to be wed~ But you're tired of what you see! What do you want me to do? It's never enough~ for~ you~ Silly Red, will you join me~ in bed?" Marshall Lee winked at you.

"My Mawshee Lee~ I could never be bored of you! It's plain as can be~ That we have so much to do! Pick-ing a dress and-a tux and a cake! There can be~ no~ mistake~ Mawshee Lee, there's no time to be silly~" You laughed back as you sang.

"Now Foxy, I know that you love me. It's a fact that everyone can see. So fucking turned on by you; not even trying. You can look at my dick; so you know I'm not lying. Come to my lair so I can show you what's missing. Girl, I think you know you're lacking some kissing. I'm your husband-to-be, there's a lot we haven't tried. Red you might be dead, but until this next orgasm, you can't say you haven't died." Marshall was now officially trying to seduce you. And you couldn't say it wasn't working. But before you gave in, you wanted to try and give your own rap a go.

"You're so-- horny-- you pitiful-- old man-- I'd like-- to help you-- but I don't-- know if-- I can--" You tried a staccato version, but it ended up more like a song.

"You raps are wack, I think you're more of a songstress, Foxy babe." Marshall Lee laughed. "No shame in that. But..."

"But?" You raised an eyebrow and swished your tail at the vampire.

"Were you going to help me with this?" He unzipped his pants and showcased exactly what he was singing about.

"I didn't even do anything! Why are you so... that!?" You screeched with laughter.

"I can't help it! You don't wear clothes! And I'm obsessed with you! Every minute I want to stick my dick inside of you!" He laughed as he set his axe down and crawled over towards you. "It doesn't help that now that we're species compatible that we have to use birth control."

"You made that choice! If you could have kept your fangs to yourself, you wouldn't have had to bother!" You frowned suddenly.

"But I certainly will bother." Marshall's lips pressed against yours, hoping to distract you from that sentiment. As he pulled back, he lifted you up so that you both floated in the air. "Let's fuck in the air today. Do you think you can do it?"

"I doubt it, Mawshee, but we can try." You giggled, high from his passionate kiss.

"I'll have you against the ceiling if I have to," He smirked. "Let me grab the silly rubber."

And with a flash, he disappeared. Leaving you to get practice your floating.

Quick as a flash however, the Vampire King returned, completely undressed with his member clad in latex.

"I'm ready for you, my queen." He hissed at you as he swept you further into the air. "Are you ready for me?"

"I am always ready for my Mawshee." You giggled as you wrapped your tail and legs around him. "Ready for your love."

Once Bitten Twice Shy (Marshall Lee x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now