Chapter 15

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Natsu's P.O.V.

"Now honey, the kids are going to be okay..." Jude said holding Layla down.

"So!? Someone just assaulted my babies! Don't you dare think I will calm down!" Mom roared at dad.

"Guys?" I say trying to wave them over.

"Please dear... Can we just talk this out downstairs?" Dad almost begged.

"No." The two answered in unison. The fathers chuckled nervously as they stepped away from their wives. 

"Guys?" I say a little louder still trying not to wake up the now resting Lucy.

"And also your daughter nearly got molested," Layla added. If there was a dragon out there, I think Jude could take it down with a blink of an eye. Dad was no better he was already mumbling about murder.

"GUYS!" I yell finally getting their attention. Lucy stirred a bit and looked at all of us. "Anyway. As I was trying to explain. The person who did this was mentally unstable and is now in a mental hospital. Please calm down. She is going to face the charges and will be taken care of accordingly." I state crossing my arms.

"Why didn't you say so earlier?" Mom asked looking at me in confusion.

"but I-You..." I sputter in utter confusion.

"Relax Natsu," Lucy said getting up. Rushing to her side I help her up and then look at the adults here. "Mom, Dad, Mr. & Mrs. Dragneel? Once we recover I would like to host the wedding. I think Natsu and I have been through enough to be more than just compatible." She said with a strained laugh. We all joined in and nodded.

A few months later. (a/n: Because I am way too lazy)

Lucy's P.O.V.

"Okay, Heartfeilia. You can do this. Come on. I know this is big, but You can handle this." I say to myself. 

"Lucy dear, are you ready?" Mom asks peaking into the room.

"Yes, mom. Just nervous about my big day." I say with a toothy smile. She leans on the doorway and shook her head. 

"Honestly, with the way you look, he should be the one looking nervous, not you! Now let's go! We didn't spend all that money on that gown for nothing!" She pulls me out the door and into the hall. Everyone is seated and the wedding music begins.

The grand doors open and dad is standing there with a wide smile and teary eyes. As we walk down the isles I look to see Natsu with the most dopey grin on his face. He looked at me as I made it to the altar. As the guy was talking, we gave each other silent look orchestrating a whole conversation. We kept it up until we heard those words.

"Do you Lucy take Natsu to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, and in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

"I do," I say with a water eyed smile.

"And do you Natsu ta-"

"I do," A chuckle was heard from around the room as I shook my head at him. The priest smiled lightly and nodded.

"Then by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride!" With that, I was pulled into a kiss by him. It felt like fireworks were exploding in my stomach and mind. When we pulled back we looked at each other and laughed.

 "Well then, Mrs. Dragneel, where to?" Natsu asked linking arms with me.

"Home," I say as we enter the car. We drive off into the sunset and stop at a small abode on the river. Smiling brightly he takes me out of the car and sets me on the couch. "Welcome home Mrs. Dragneel."

"Why thank you Mr.Dragneel, It's good to be home."

DONE! Man, that was short and pretty crappy... I am sorry for updating this late. I ran into some issues with my laptop so I had to reboot it. but now that this settled. Tomorrow... or more like later today, I will upload this one partner project I worked on with my Wattpad sis. I think it is finally ready! and if you want a sequel to this book please let me know, I will do my best to start planning it. the other uploads will be faster since I already wrote them out, all they need is a bit of a touch-up. It will be every Saturday. It will be called the tale of three sisters. I'll just need to talk to sissy about it and it should be ready to go! Again thank you for all the views and votes! It means so much to me!

this is Author-chan signing out!

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