𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚍 ✧ 𝚍.𝚜.

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it was a normal december morning and you, the boys, and christina all thought it would be a good idea to go to the grove to hang out and go shopping. you and christina, being the amazing 'fashion icons' you are, thought fashion over warmth would be a good idea. so, you both wore crop tops and jean shorts. not a good idea, seeing as it was only forty-one degrees in california.

"god, it's cold," you complained, christina nodding in agreement while shivering.

"holy shit, we should've dressed warmer. i mean, look at all the boys," she said, motioning towards the boys who were all wearing jackets and scarves, some of them even beanies to keep warm. this winter was oddly colder than most.

"our boyfriends are so much smarter than us," you mumbled, looking over at daniel and corbyn, who were conversing, not even giving one shit about the whether since they weren't cold.

"i'm going to go ask corbyn if he can go help me warm up. you should do the same with daniel," she said, walking over to corbyn. you sighed, following behing christina.

"i'm cold," christina said to corbyn, pouting out her lip. corbyn laughed, giving christina his jacket then putting his arm around her to help warm her up. they're so freaking cute.

you turned to daniel and said, "i'm cold."

"what?" he took off his jacket and gave it to you, "i told you to bring more layers but you didn't listen and now," he took off his scarf and piled it onto you, "now look, i've got to make sure you don't FREEZE to death and," he stole jack's beanie and put it on you since he wasn't wearing one, "how long have you been cold? you should've said something sooner. you can't just wear a crop top and jean shorts —even though you look amazing, baby, i love you— when it's forty degrees outside. listen to me next time and wear a bunch of layers because if you don't you're going to get sick and i don't want you to get sick-" he continued to ramble on and on about how you should've kept warmer and brought more layers.

only your boyfriend.

a/n: i copied this off of a meme on tumblr lmao i love it tho


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