𝚋𝚊𝚍 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐 ✧ 𝚍.𝚜.

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you got pregnant at probably one of the worst possible times. you were eighteen and you were living with your parents a few states away from daniel. long distance was hard for you both. at the time, both of you were eighteen and the boys were about to leave for the invitation tour. so, like many teenagers do, you guys had sex right before they left as a way to say goodbye, i guess.

about six weeks in, you started getting sick frequently and your friend suggested that you might be pregnant. sure enough, you were. at the moment, you weren't in the best place with your parents and this just set them off. they kicked you out of the house and refused to help you with the baby. your friend let you stay with her for a few nights, but she was going out of town in three weeks so you had to leave eventually.

you still hadn't told daniel about the baby and you were starting to show a little bit. y/f/n suggested that you tell him at the show that was going to be in your hometown in a week. nervous was an understatement. you were going to have to tell daniel that you were pregnant and homeless.

by the time the show rolled around, you were crawling in your skin. you made up a lame excuse to daniel as to why you couldn't come, but you were secretly in contact with jack. he had gotten you and y/f/n limelight tickets so you could have time to talk to daniel.

you wore wearing an oversized yellow hoodie with your hood up so daniel couldn't see the baby bump or your face. you had told jack what you were wearing he noticed you right away. you hadn't told him about the pregnancy, though. he thought that you were only here to surprise daniel. little did he know that you were surprising him in more ways than just one. they started to go around and start talk to fans, and by the time they got to you guys, you were shaking in nervousness.

suddenly, you realized a flaw in your plan. the yellow hoodie that you were wearing happened to be a hoodie of daniel's that you stole and he noticed it almost immediately.

"y/n?" he questioned, removing your hood.

"surprise?" you said, it coming out almost as more of a question.

"oh my god, y/n!" he exclaimed, wrapping his arms around you and picking you up, spinning you around in a circle.

"babe, be careful with me!" you said, probably a little bit too loudly. you didn't want anything to happen with the baby and you made that very clear.

"is there something wrong?" he asked, putting you down and giving you a concerned look.

"okay, i'm going to pull you away from the boys for a few minutes and we're going to talk. this is important," you told him, giving him a serious look.

"are you gonna go, like, break up with me?" he questioned, looking genuinely like he was scared that you were going to break up with him.

"fuck to the no, but i do need to tell you something serious that involves us being alone," you said, eyeing him.

"there are more fans-"

"forget the fucking fans for a few fucking minutes. this is extremely fucking serious and you're going to need to fucking sit down for this," you said. he could tell by the serious tone in your voice that you weren't fucking around.

"okay, okay. let's go to another room backstage," he said, grabbing your hand and leading you out of the room.

once you got there, he said, "what the actual hell is going on?"

without answering, you pulled up the bottom of your hoodie to reveal the small baby bump that was placed on your stomach. his eyes widened at the sight.

"i'm seven weeks, babe," you told him, placing your hands on your stomach.

"w-when?" was all that he was able to choke out.

"right before you left. we had s- you know what we did, then, uh, i guess we forgot protection and-" you couldn't finish what you were saying without bursting into tears. you thought that daniel was going to leave you because of how young you were and how spontaneous the pregnant was.

"babe, babe, i'm not going to leave you, if that's what you think. we'll raise the baby together and i'm going to be in both of your lives. i'll love you and the baby and we're going to start our family, maybe just a bit earlier than expected," daniel told you, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing your forehead.

"it's not just that," you said, crying into his shoulder.

"what's wrong? tell me, baby," he said worriedly, putting his fingers under your chin and making you look at him straight in the eyes.

"my parents kicked me out. they called me a whore and a slut, saying i wasn't welcome in their home. i've been staying with y/f/n, but she's leaving soon and i'm technically homeless," you cried, attaching yourself to him.

"come with us on tour, then," he suggested.

"i can't. y/f/n's mom took me to the doctor and they said that it's not healthy to travel a lot while you're pregnant," you told him.

"you know what? i'll call my mom right now. she'll accept us. my parents love you, my siblings —especially anna— love you, and they'll let you stay with them. i'll go back home after tour and stay with you guys and it'll all work out," he assured you, rubbing the side of your face with his hand. you sniffled and nodded your head as he pulled out his phone and dialed his mom's number.

just as he was about to call her, jonah came in and said, "dude, you missed like half the limelight thing and the fans are pissed. the show starts in, like, two mi-" he then noticed you crying in daniel's arms while he was hurriedly trying to get someone on the phone, "you know what, we can start the show without you. i'll leave you guys to what you were doing." he then backed out of the room and left you guys.

daniel told back to what he was doing and he called his mom, putting it on speaker.

"let's sit down," he whispered to you, motioning to the couch on the other side of the room. you nodded your head and followed him over to it, cuddling up to him when you guys were seated.

then, you heard keri's voice from the other line, saying, "hey, daniel. aren't you supposed to be performing?"

"mom, y/n is pregnant and she needs somewhere to stay 'cause her parents kicked her out. c-can she stay with you guys for the time being?" daniel asked. you were shocked by how blunt he was with it.

"my goodness, daniel! you could've told me you and y/n were having sex and you could've used protection," keri exclaimed. daniel groaned, slightly embarrassed by the response he got from his mother.

"we usually do," daniel said quietly, his cheeks turning red and he covered his face with his hand. you giggled at how embarrassed he seemed.

"and why not this time?" keri questioned in a serious tone.

"because we ran out," daniel mumbled, his cheeks now a bright red color.

"jesus christ, daniel," keri said, "but of course she can stay with us. we accept you guys."

"thank you."

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