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-2 months later-

It was only two months and I was already head over heals in love with her. I've never been one for love but she was just so perfect. The way she would sing along to every song she knew, the way she surrounded herself with what she loved, the way she chewed on the end of her pen when she was studying, the way she noticed everything, it made me want to kiss her, I just didn't want to ruin what we had.

Everyday between when we got back from classes and before she went to work, we would walk down to Starbucks. The staff knew us and knew what we we're going to order. We had a booth we sat at, the same one we sat in the day I moved in. We would talk about unimportant things, normally things we had different opinions on, trying to see both sides of it.

One day I came home from class and she had her headphones in and was singing off key to Masterpiece Theatre III by Marianas Trench, her hair was a mess and she was in sweats, her make up was smudged and she look exhausted, but she was still putting her heart and soul into her singing and dancing.

When she turned around and saw me, she screamed and fell backwards over the couch and landed with her legs in the air. I must say, it was pretty funny.

I walked over to her to give her a hand and she accepted. When she got up she gave me a death glare but I didn't mind. I just laughed at her and she smiled. That smile was the reason I got up in the morning.

“I hate you! You should have knocked! I'm not forgiving you for this!” she exclaimed.

“We both know that's not true, now is it?” I smiled and started to go in for a hug, which she returned.

“No, but I'm going to seek revenge” she joked.

“Alright, but for now can we go get coffee?”

“Sure, just let me fix myself up a bit” I told her it was okay and she went to get changed.

I sat down on the couch while I waited for her, I thought about how perfect she was. That's when I realized; I knew nothing about her past.

“Alright, lets go” I hear from the stairs. I turned around to see her with fixed make up, straight hair, skinny jeans, and a baggy band shirt. Classic Scarlet.

“Okay” I smiled.

we headed out and walked down the 6 flights of stairs. As we walked out of the building, I said “I've known you for two months now and I still don't know anything about your past. Do you mind if I ask?” Then I realized I'd probably have to tell her my life story and then she would go to sympathetic mode. Terrific.

She looked down at the ground for a second as her smile faded, it worried me. I didn't want her to have a horrible past like mine. I wanted her to have a great past, like she deserved.

When she looked back up she didn't look me in the eye. “My past consisted of people piling secrets on me. It made me feel alone constantly, well that and the fact that my so-called friends wouldn't notice if I was there or not and my family did minimal for me so I just kind of relied on music and my dreams to get me through it. The music is why I wanted to be a music engineer, give back to what helped me through it.” She looked at me and gave me a half smile. I put my arm around her back and squeezed her, reassuring her and that's when she asked “What about you? Whats your story?”

“Promise you wont look at me any differently?” I asked her.

“I promise.”

“I had a pretty good life, loving parents, friends. Well, until I was twelve and my mom got up and left my dad and I. My dad started drinking and started to blame me for her leaving us. At first he would just yell at me with things like 'You're worthless' or 'You never should have been born' but in a more harsh way, but on my thirteenth birthday, I had my only two friends over and my dad got really drunk and beat me up in front of my friends since it marked the fact that my mom was around on that day, thirteen years ago. I told my friends to leave, so they did and they never came back. They stopped talking to me and told everyone what happened. Everyone was scared of me because of it.

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