Chapter 18

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Sunsets are my absolute favorite thing in the world. They always have been. My favorite part is that they are always one of a kind. There will never be a sunset that look exactly like a previous one. They are just unique. The way the colors illuminate the sky with pinks, purples, blues, oranges, reds, among many other colors.

There was something special about this sunset. Yes, it was one of a kind. But that isn't what makes it so special. What makes it special is the fact that I'm enjoying it in France. On top of the Eiffel Tower.

I smiled as the breeze flowed through my hair, making it even more of a mess than what it had been before. But I honestly didn't care. There was something about being on top of the Eiffel tower watching the sunset that makes you have a sense of relaxation. Like nothing could go wrong at that specific moment. Like nothing in the world mattered besides the beautiful sunset.

I was torn from my train of thought as an arm slung around my shoulder and pulled me closer. I jumped and looked to my left to see a pair of blue eyes fascinated on me. I smiled and snuggled into Niall's body as we both watched the sun go down.

I may have forgotten to mention that Niall is with me for this little adventure. After I had told him about me going on a two week trip, and that I was leaving at 8 in the morning, we left immediately from the London Eye, and he dropped me off at Alex's house. He didn't speak one word to me in the process.

I couldn't help but feel a little hurt. He had just said that he wanted to make the most of the three weeks we had, and he didn’t even say anything to me after I had told him that I was leaving for two weeks.

The next morning Alex dropped me off at the airport, only a suitcase and purse with me, and we said our goodbyes. I felt sad to leave Alex, and I could tell that he was upset that I was leaving aswell, but we both knew that in two weeks time, we would see each other again.

After I finished going through security, I had about 20 minutes until I could board the plane, so I decided to just find a seat and wait. That's when a certain Irish boy came running towards me and told me that he couldn't go two weeks without seeing me, and there was no way that he would let me go tour foreign countries all by myself. The smile hadn't left my face since then.

Well, except when he handed me a first class ticket and wouldn't take no for an answer. Stubborn Irish people I tell you what.

After a 5 ½ hour plane ride, we finally made it to Paris France, with enough time to catch the sunset. Apparently Niall already had planned for this, as he closed down the whole Eiffel tower for the two of us, and had a special dinner waiting for us there.

And here I am. Standing on top of the Eiffel Tower, as if you hadn't already known, watching the sunset, with one of the most amazing guys I ever met. Shrugging Niall's arm off of me, I walked over to my bag and pulled out the package that Aunt B gave me. Inside was a beautiful Polaroid camera, that use to be hers. Carrying it back over to Niall, I cuddled into to him. Positioning it in front of us, I smiled towards the camera. Just as I pressed the button to take the picture, Niall grazed his lips over my cheek.

Heat rose to my cheeks as the camera spit out the picture. I shook it for a few minutes, and the image finally appeared. In the picture, I was smiling cheesily at the camera, and Niall had his eyes closed while kissing me on the cheeks. In the background, you could see the lights of the Eiffel Tower and a little sliver of pink sky that was left from the sunset.

“Its perfect.” I beamed towards Niall.

He kissed me on the cheek again and we both looked out into the distance, admiring the amazing scenery of Paris. “It sure is.”

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had a sudden burst of insperation to write tonight. So here you go. I'm thinking I will also update tomorrow, because I don't know whats going to happen on Tuesday with my moms surgery and what not. 

I love all you amazing readers so much. Thak you all for commenting and becoming fans of me and voting. It really does mean a lot! 

Shout-out to: ManUtd10 for the lovely comment!  (: Hopefully I'll have comments on the next chapter to be able to choose the one who made me smile the most.. *wink wink nudge nudge* haha 

Anyways, I know I've said it  a billion times, but I love you all. Have a great night! - Brooke xx (<< my inner british self is being release!) hah

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