90 days to live - Chapter 10

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It was only too simple to find the Tube room, no doubt it was probably the easiest part of this mission.  The map of this ship is still fully ingrained in Ally's brain. Keeping a firm upper lip, I tried not to think, not to remember any of the events that took place here. It was effortless to pretend that being here didn't affect me in any way. Though I can't deny, it felt as if a weight was lifted off my shoulders entering the tube room and shutting the door on those haunted corridors.

The neon blue tubes are all too familiar. They glow, creating funny shadows and blotches of coloured light all over the tube room. They're the most alive thing in this room. 

"This is hopeless" Ally sighs. 

Kyle is mute, Ally only speaks when she complains while I'm left to flounder on my own. Part of the Warrior training is to always have a plan; never been unprepared. I've never fully formed a plan, my actions have always been in the spur of the moment. 

"Once we've teleported to the Sicarii base, Kyle and I will stay in the tubes until Ally is out and has activated one of the control panels. From there she will be able to locate Jared" I say sternly, attempting not to glare at Ally.

"Won't work" Ally mutters. An ugly, blunt snarl escapes my lips. Ally falls silent.

Kyle crouches against the cool blue tube. His slate-coloured eyes stare impassively ahead. His body is as closed off as his mind; an unobservant eye is a danger, especially in Leto territory. Ally is being no help either. With her arms folded obstinately across her chest and her lip curled, my patience begins to wear thin.

"Lara, we were idiotic to think we could manage this even with the help of Kyle" She says purposefully leaving out Nathan's name. "There are only three of us and I can barely fight"

"It will work" I growl.

"How are you so sure that I will be able to activate any of the control pads?" She asks. 

"Because..." I stutter. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying desperately hard to think. "...Because you will" 

 "Lara we cannot put our lives on the line because you're desperately clinging onto the hope that we'll save Jared. The reality of our situation is that the Leto will either kill us before we find Jared or he'll be too twisted to even contemplate loving you or -"

She doesn't have time to finish before I feel cold, searing madness seeping down my arms. It's too familiar for my liking. A sharp slap echoes throughout the tube room as Ally clasps at her reddening cheek. I sit back on my haunches hissing under my breath.

"You can't slap me because you know I'm right. Lara it will be less painful if you let go now" She say. The pity leaks out of her tone.

"Are you crazy?" I snarl. "Let go of my bond mate? This isn't some childish crush Ally; this is the man I love. It will either kill me or I'll become a Torpen. What is wrong with you? A few hours ago, you were begging me to take me with you and now you're saying we have no hope? You were the one encouraging me to go ahead and find Jared; you were the one feeding me false hope"

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