chapter 57

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Jungkook laid trembling on the cold cement floor, his wounds stinging and burning from time to time.

He held onto his chest when he felt it getting stuffy and painfully hard to breathe.

The cell door suddenly bursted open, making him flinch and look up to the cause. His eyes were filled with a tiny spark of hope, wishing for it to be one of his hyungs.

"K-kris hyung...?" He muttered weakly, voice barely audible due to his aching throat.

The said male was frozen, staring at his condition in disbelief. He slowly padded over to him silently and knelt infront of jungkook.

"What have they done to you..." he muttered lowly while gritting his teeth and clenching his fist as his gaze travelling around the bloody wounds on the younger's body.

Jungkook remained silent, having no words to convey.

"I was wrong jungkook. My uncle is not someone who i thought he was. He betrayed me. He betrayed his own blood!" Kris hugged the younger male and cried on his shoulder to feel some warmth to soothe his broken heart.

But he didn't receive anything. Didn't receive the comfort he was expecting. Didn't get to hear the soothing words jungkook always says with his sweet voice.

He then realised jungkook was not in the state to comfort anyone when he himself was so damaged and hurt.

Kris then broke the hug and took out a blue coloured inhaler from his pocket. "It's my grandmother's. I thought it will help you for now." He said as he placed it on the younger's palms. Jungkook stared at the inhaler and back at him quietly.

Kris gulped before saying his next words.

"Lets run away jungkook."

When he didn't get an answer he continued. "come with me. I can get you out of here. You, me and tiffany can go somewhere far away. I have some friends who can help me there. This place is no longer safe for any of us." Jungkook saw the sincerity in his eyes and weakly smiled.

"Please jungkook. Come with me. Please." Kris pleaded as he held the younger's hand and waited for an answer.

He frowned slowly when jungkook pulled his hands out of his grip and finally stared at his face.

"H-hyungs will come." The younger mumbled and kris's expression dropped. He scoffed silently and stared at the younger in disbelief.

"They will die too! You think three of them can defeat daniel and his men?! Come on jungkook you are smarter then this!" He exclaimed as he held the younger's shoulder gently.

"I c-cannot leave my h-hyungs. I-i am sorry." Jungkook whispered again as a tear slid down his chapped lips to his chin.

"Your damn hyungs are more important then your own life?!" Kris asked in anger, looking at the younger in disappointment.

Jungkook didn't answer and only stared at the ground while squirming in kris's hold.

"Jungkook..." kris's voice softened a bit but it was stern. "If you wait for taehyung, you will.. d-die." His voice was wavery, showing that it was painful for him to say that.

"Kris hyung.." jungkook took his hands off his shoulder but held it feebly. "Please escape with your sister and be safe." His voice was getting more and more inaudible as time passed.

Kris stared at him with glassy eyes in hurt and pulled his hands away.

"You are so cruel." His voice was tremulous which made jungkook to look at him sadly.

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