Chapter 1

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First fanfic ever:) If you're 14 or under, you're forbided to read this.

I sat on the computer waiting to buy the tickets that would change my life forever. I couldn't decide if I wanted to sit on the side of the stage or in the middle. Either way I would be in the front row next to they boys that changed my entire way of thinking. One Direction. Even if I was somewhere that had nothing to do with the boys, they would come up in my mind. They had me hooked since they came together as a group on X Factor. I didn't have a favorite, but I had a special spot for Zayn Malik. His sweet voice, and way with women, he had me saving a seat in my heart. He was my secret lover, even though he doesn't even know I exist.

The countdown for the tickets starting decreasing: 59..58..57..56... I started shaking I was so excited: 24..23..22... I couldn't stop smiling, i couldn't wait to click buy: 3..2..1... I clicked buy the First Row on the floor, section B seat 15. I didn't care that I would be by myself, my other friends would be sitting in a different section because they didn't have the money for front row seats. At least I could hang with them before the concert.I starting counting down the days. 65.

*65 days later* sorry but the wait of those days would be forever.

I woke up at around 2PM which left me about a couple hours to take a shower and get ready. I got in the shower and couldn't help but sing the words of my loves. That quickly ended when I ran out of hot water. I screamed and jumped out turning the water off as well. I had picked out my best outfit I had. A floral flowy tank top that showed some of my cleavage, which seemed ok to me but I'm not a guy, and a pair of short jean shorts. I wore my blue Toms and started to blow dry my hair. it was 3:30 so I had to rush. I didn't bother to curl my hair and just put some product in it. My brown hair was down to my waist, not to thick and not to oily.  I pinned back my bangs then pulled them out again deciding it looked better with my outfit. I put on some Pink Perfume and grabbed my ticket, car keys, and purse. I started driving and getting super pumped. I reached my friend's house where some of my other girls were. We took some picture and decided to leave. I never really had close friends, but it was nice to have a couple people I got along with. We left and started heading to the stadium.

By the time we got there it was 5. I like to get places early. We waited outside for a while then they let us in. I hugged my friends before we parted to our different seats. I found my seat and started crying, realizing how close i was to my boys. Olly started singing in the beginning of the concert. I didn't even bother listening, sorry Olly, I was so excited. Once he left and I heard the beginning of WMYB and saw the Names of the boys at the beach and started screaming. When the countdown came i felt myself getting woosy, and slipping in and out of reality. I starting losing my vision but I remember seeing a boy on the stage grab my hands, immedietly waking my senses. I could hear mumbling even though the concert was so loud, my hearing came back and I finally heard the words:

"Are you alright, love?"

I swore it sounded like an angel. I looked to see who it was. It was him. His dark hair swooped up, his hazel eyes, the lips, and the innocent look on his face. I tried to respond, but no words came out, so he asked again:

"Love, are you alright?"

This time words came out, "Oh..yeah, Zayn. Just a little overwhelmed"

He smiled and said "You sure?" I just nodded this time and he smiled, oh that smile. Nobody can have more perfect teeth than him. He jumped back up and went back to singing. My heart was still racing. How did he see me? I'm just a normal girl, not his type anyways. Whatever, I was just going to enjoy the rest of the concert. I didn't want to lose the moments so I took out my iPhone and recorded the whole thing. I touched all their hands and had each of them smile into the camera at least once, i assumed more. During the last song, 'I Want', I kept my camera's focus on Zayn. He noticed and remembered me. He started singing into the camera. I couldn't believe it. He was paying attention to me. Suddenly, my phone was out of my hands and I thought I had dropped it, I looked on the stage and there it was. It had slid its' way to the middle of the stage. I could see that Zayn saw me drop it. So he picked it up. Zayn Malik just touched my phone. I couldn't stop the fangirling and i giggled to myself.

He was recording himself making silly faces, then starting recording the crowd. I couldn't wait to see it. Zayn put the camera on the boys. Niall did one of his jumps, Louis pelvic thrusted into the camera, Harry stuck his toungue out, and Liam just smiled. Zayn whispered something into the camera then gave it back to me, winking while he did. I screamed from instinct and he laughed and ran off. The show was over. I couldn't believe it.  Everyone started leaving and I was speechless. I didn't even say one word to my friends in the car ride home. I dropped them off then went back to my place. I'd lived on my own since my parents split up and i couldn't take the drama anymore. I was 18 and ready for anything.

The absolute first thing I did was plug my iPhone into my laptop to watch the concert again, I was still pumped. I started crying again, re-living the best day of my life. When 'I Want' came on, i totally forgot about Zayn taking my phone, and I listened very carefully. When he whispired into the mic, i had to listen about five times to finally understand what he said. When I did I about passed out again. I listened one final time to make sure I wasn't hillucinating.

"Babe, I think you're really cute. Call me sometime? 569-875-1169"

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