Chapter 30

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Caroline's POV

I woke up the next morning, well rested, with Zayn curled up next to me.

I barely remember getting up to puke during the night, but it was a few times. I felt bad for Zayn taking care of me, he didn't have too I could do it all myself. I sat up and my stomach rolled. Bad choice.

I ran to the bathroom and threw up again. Sure enough in two seconds, I heard running footsteps coming my way. Zayn grabbed my hair and rubbed my back.

"Sorry babe." He said.

I finished and rinsed my mouth.Gross.

"You don't have to take care of me, you know?" I said heading back to our bed.

"Yeah, but I choose too." He replied. I rolled my eyes and climbed back into bed. Zayn followed.

He wasn't wearing anything except boxers, very temping. He scooted next to me, I could feel his breath down my neck. He leaned in and kissed it before moving up to my lips. He was gentle, not hurting me, and smiled through the kiss.

He pulled away and grinned. I smiled and I poked his face.

"It's soft." I said laughing, but it turned into a cough. I hated that.

Zayn rubbed my back, ran his fingers up and down my back, sending shivers down my spine. I laid back down and Zayn joined.

"I can't believe Harry is getting married to Hayley. It's been so soon." I said.

"Yeah, but he's never had too many girlfriends, so I think when he knows, he knows." Zayn replied. I revealed my smile and leaned down to lay on his shoulder. He put his arm around me and rubbed my shoulder. He was so touchy-feely. I loved it.

Just when we were both fading into sleep, Zayn's phone rang. We jumped awake and he answered.

"Hello?.......Uh huh....Are you serious?.....But I need more time with her........I don't think she can.....You won't??..........fuck.........fine....see you tomorrow." He hung up. I gave him a confused look and he started with a big sigh.

"We're going to start our tour a month early, so now we only have a month together before I go back on tour. Fucking management won't let us take our girlfriends, they say we need a 'break' from everything which I don't even understand, they make our job hell." he said. My mouth hung there.

"How lon-ng is the t-tour for?" I asked, my voice cracking trying not to cry.

He hesitated at first, then spoke. "6 months."

My mouth literally dropped to the floor. The tears started forming. I wouldn't see him for half a year. I couldn't do that. I'm always with him now.. I can't leave him. He is my everything. That's why I'm still alive, because of him. I hated my life before, but he kept me together. Now that I'm going to be alone for a while, I don't know if I'm going to be able to handle this.

The crying came loudly and I saw a tear escape Zayn's eye. I pulled him close and cried. I heard him start to cry to.

"I've never loved somebody so much." He said.

I pulled away wiping away the tears. "Ok, I don't want to be all sad and stuff, so lets just enjoy the time we have together, like nothing wrong is coming our way." I suggested.

I saw half a smie escape his mouth and he nodded "Yeah, that sounds brilliant."

I smiled back at him and hugged him once more. "Can you help me? I need to take a shower..." I asked. He gave me a suspicious smile and nodded.

He helped me take off my clothes, my arms too weak to even hold a pencil, and he helped me in the shower. He decided to take one with me, so he took off his boxers and held me in his arms.

He washed my hair and my body, being gentle and not hurting me. My body was aching, but I stayed strong.

When we were done, Zayn helped me out of the shower, wrapped a towel around me, and one on my head. He walked me to the couch and I sat down. More like flopped. I sighed when I hit the couch and Zayn went to go put a towel on. He came back in sweats and a grey shirt.

"No work today?" I asked. Zayn shook his head and smiled

"I took the day off to take care of you." He replied. I smiled and he sat next to me on the couch. He had brought out a sports bra, a cutoff shirt, and a pair of black sweats.

He helped me put on everything, then picked me up and carried me back to our room.

Zayn set me down on the bed and left to go make some food. He came back with chicken noodle soup and a Coke. I smiled when he entered the room, he was so kind whenever I was in need.

He gently fed me the soup, blowing on each spoonful.

When I was done Zayn turned on the TV and we watched movies all day. My stomach had stopped hurting, pretty much, I still had some cramping but it wasn't nearly as bad.

I bet I looked like a mess.

All the boys' were chilling at home today, they did not want to enter the 'sick house'. I rolled my eyes after Zayn was texting them. They had left a card outside the door saying "GET BETTER LOVE" with an American flag on the front. Very creative.

It was about just 6 o'clock here, I was just getting used to the time change, and I got a phone call. I looked at it. It read "Mary's Hospital." That was where I went to get regular check ups.

I answered. "Hello?" finishing with a cough.

"Hi Caroline this is Margret from Mary's Hospital. Just letting you know you have a check-up appointment in three days." Shit.

"Umm, actually I moved to London so I will no longer be going there..." I said slightly laughing.

"Oh, well I guess you'll have to go somewhere out there since you need to catch up on a couple shots and get some "things" checked out."

"Alright, thanks for calling!" I said.

"Bye now." She said before ending the call.

I looked over at Zayn, who was really confused. "Doctors."

His eyes widened "WHAT??"

"No no no it was for a check up appointment back where I used to live. I have to schedule one here cause I need some shots and a check up thing." I said.

Zayn sighed in relief "I thought you were going to say you went and got a pregnancy test or something like that...."

"No stupid, I'm not pregnant." I said as I playfully punched him in the stomach.

"Oh you wanna go there?" Zayn said picking me up. He set me on his lap and pressed his lips firmly on mine, not letting me breathe. I sucked in air through my nose, not leaving Zayn's lips. They were so soft and fit perfectly with mine.

He moved his hand up and down my leg.

"Zayn!!" I said pulling away.

"What?" He asked cheekily.

"I'm sick, don't get me excited.." I said laughing. That sounded ridiculous.

"Sorry, I guess I can't keep my hands off of you."

I smiled and kissed him one last time before he pushed me off his lap back onto the bed.

My eyes started fluttering shut, I listened to Zayn sing You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift before I drifted into my dreams. (on rightt;D)

AWWWWW she went to bed supa early. THANK YOU for reading honestly i can't thank the 20 of you enough.. there's only like 20 right? ANYWAYSS follow me on twitter caroline_horan6 (((((: thanks for readinggg i love you all. new chapter ereday if I feel like it. WANT MORE? COMMENT AND TELL ME! MAYBE THEN I'LL WRITE TWO CHAPTER A DAY;D

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