✓ || 1 cup of fear

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"And now I want you to find a buddy!" The day started with Physical Education which kind of drains your energy just by thinking on what the possible activities your teacher has prepared for the class... and now he's instructing each one of you to find a partner.

As if on cue, desperate boys started flocking around Teruhashi, asking for her to be their partner. The other girls just sighed in disappointment, losing hope in finding a buddy for the activity. Fortunately, the PE teacher noticed this and made another announcement.

"Forget about what I said, I'll just pair you randomly." You just nodded your head, not entirely caring on who and what kind of person you're gonna be paired with, as long as it's not someone you would want to choke.

He started announcing names, the mighty and useful people slowly getting paired with someone else. For some reason, you started to feel scared, your sight fixed at Kusuo who was also looking at you as if he expected you to react this way.

"Finally... (L/N) and-" You crossed your fingers, hoping that you're going to be paired with someone who would not cause your day to drastically go down.

"Hairo." Your breathing finally calmed down, adrenaline now coping up. You're quite excited on what the outcome of the activity would be since your partner is good at anything related to physical exercises.

"Hey... Isn't it quiet unfair that Hairo is paired with (Y/N)? Hairo should be playing individually or something!" A girl suddenly butted in and the others agreed with her. You gritted your teeth in annoyance, controlling yourself to not raise your middle finger at her.. but since this is a child friendly campus, then you figured out it would be the best not to do it.

"Alright alright... Teruhashi will be paired with (L/N) and their partners will be paired with each other. Unless if someone would want to disagree"

'How predictable..' You grunted in disbelief, pursing your lips in frustration. The raven haired girl trotted towards you, a smile hanging on her lips.

'I bet she's really happy to be paired with someone as perfect as me.. She must be screaming with joy internally~' 

"Hi (Y/N)-chan! I'm super glad to be paired with you!" Teruhashi squealed, her hands clasped together in a behaved manner. You looked at her before giving her a small grin.

"I'm also glad that I'm me." You muttered, loud enough for her to hear it. She raised her eyebrow, controlling herself to not just pour her frustration on you for the thing that you just said.

'What's her problem? Why is she not complimenting me for my kindness? Oh I get it.. She must be jealous! She wanted to be as kind as me but she can't!' Kusuo clearly heard Teruhashi's thoughts and he can't help but to feel useless for not doing anything to get you to a better situation.

He raised his hand to gain the teacher's attention and he was successful. When he asked what it is, Kusuo pointed at you before pointing at his self.

"What? You want to be (L/N)'s partner?" He simply nodded with the teacher's question, looking at you as if he was reassuring you. 

Your face was beginning to be covered with thr hues of embarrassment but you still managed to knit a smile in your lips while looking back at him. This left Kusuo's former partner to be happy with his new partner and Teruhashi furious with the fact that the strawberry haired teen picked you instead of her.

Finally after almost 11 hours of school, the bell rang signalling students that it was already dismissal time. Kusuo just waited for a few minutes for the population of the students to settle down.

He scanned his sight around the classroom in an attempt to search for you but it seems that you disperse away with the crowd. He clicked his tongue in irritation.. now he needs to listen out for a weird song in order to find you.

Instead of a song, he heard a series of agonizing scream that in an instant, he used his clairvoyance to check on what and who it was from. It was not later than a second that he realized that the scream was from a porcelain cat on the verge of falling from the rooftop. Thankfully, he was able to hear its thoughts and teleported right away on the place before picking up the kitten and placing it gently on the cold cemented roof.

 However, he felt his back stiffened as his mind caught a rather familiar sound. His eyes darted towards the rooftop door only to witness you staring at him in horror.

While walking outside the campus building, your sight was caught by a certain something clinging on the edge of the top of the building for its dear life. With its high pitched meowing, you were able to recognize that it was a cat.

As if you were being chased by a dog, you jolted your way towards the area. Although you were a bad runner, you still tried your best to not trip every 3 meters. As you slammed the metal door open, the sight of Kusuo who just came out of nowhere welcomed you and you knew already that it was because of teleportation.

But what scared you was the fact that you caught him in the act and he has no choice but to reveal his self to you... and for some reason..

you felt scared...

Kusuo never took of his sight off of you as he just observed your reaction. Sure he did use his psychic powers even when you're around but he figured out that those acts were not that big and you wouldn't suspect at all.. But this case is different...

You bit your bottom lip, your heart beating so fast because of an unidentified reason. You knew that he was a psychic right from the beginning but why do you feel like this?

"Kusuo..." You trailed, your sight fixated on his pale yet astonishingly featured face, his lips blank yet his eyes were saying otherwise. With this, you were able to identify the cause of your feeling..

...you're still not ready to leave him.

𝐀𝐂𝐂𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐋 | 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐢 𝐤.Where stories live. Discover now