chapter 6: where to begin.

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i arrived at the airport at 3:30. i get a taxi and go to my house any try to find the book. i look in my desk and i find it. i rumage through the phone book to finde her parents names

. i dial the number. "hello" a man says. "hello, sir this is um harry styles, you may know me from one direction. i would like to know when your duaghter quinns funeral is?" i ask. he takes a deep gulp. "3 days from now on saturday, may i ask who you where to her?" he asks. " im her very good friend" i say. "oh ok, she um asked a mr.styles to write her eulgey." he sounds like hes about to cry. "thank you sir. where will it be?" i ask. "she asked for it to be at the lake, the one up in santa monica" he says. "thank you once agin" i say. i hang up.

i look at my schedule for my tours, and theres 4 more days till i start, in texas. i dont know if i should make a song eulgy...ive never made one.

<day of funeral>

i finnally sat down and wrote the eulgy last night, well 3 in the morning. i get up and get in the peirceing hot shower. beads of hot water cuase me to jump back a little. after my shower i do my hair and get on my suit, a very expensive one, not sure where its from. i grab the maroon notebook and look through it, reading the letter that she sent me agin. i read all the songs over. i rember singing one to her, i smirk at the thought of her smile. and its if as just in that moment she touchs my cheek. i stand up and adjust my suit before putting the eulgy in the maroon notebook.

when i get to the wedding i see quinns parents steping out of a cadillac holding hands, and walking to the church. i stand back untill no more cars arrive. i slowly walk in to the church, then i stumble into someone and drop the notebook. i slowly look up as i bend down to pick up the book. its that girl from the plane.

"why are you here" i ask picking up my book. "quinn is my sister" she says and i bounce up. "i dint know she had one" i say worried. "i did not know i had a sister" she says. i ponder through my brain to discover something to say but i cant say anything. "so are we going to go in? " she asks. i nod and we walk in together. as we are walking in i notice she has orange copper hair with very green eyes. "how old are you" i whisper. "seventeen" she says. i nod "im seventeen too" i say. we both sit and listen to the mass.

"mr.styles can you come up to the both?" the minister asks. i nod and get up with the maroon notebook. i get to the poteium and cuagh as everyone just stares. i open the notebook to the eulogy and begin.

"3 AM isnt for the lovers, not for the drinkers and not for the children. 3 AM is for the writers. the ones that could not stop thinking about things. or they have that one idea on there mind. they can put pen to paper and you would get it. but as soon as you ask them to explain there feelings it dosent come as easy. id rather stay up with a writer all night and just make history then a party girl and have a great old time, but then not rember in the morning. i know that you people have no idea what this has to do with quinn but she was a writer, and through my ignorance, she tuaght me how to love someone. she tuaght me how to care. thank you quinn. your in my heart forever and always" i realize i was crying during it.

i get off the poteium down to ember, but i dont see her. i sit back down by myself.

after the service i go out of the church to see ember sitting and looking around. i sit next to her. "ember" i ask. but before i can she kisses me, but i dont back out becuase i cant. shes so beautiful. i make rythem with her moulth, no one can see us cuase we are on the other side of the building. "this is so wrong" she stops kissing, i wipe my moulth. but she stares at me for a moment and cant resist so she kisses me agin.

thank you for reading so far love you guys!!! do you like ember? i do! instagram is @lukehemmingsisrachet

twitter is @mjemola

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