Chapter 1 : Blue Flames

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I don't own anything but the plot. Everything other than that isn't mine (even if I wish it was since Rick Riordan's books are amazhang 😂).

Percy's P.O.V.

Hey! My name's Percy Jackson and I'm a son of the Greek god Poseidon. At least, that's what I was told and what I believed. My life was pretty strange but it's about to get a lot stranger.


"Percy! Wake up, Chiron called all the cabin counsellors for a meeting! Its really important so wake up and get ready or I'm dragging you there in your pajamas again!" Annabeth, my wonderful girlfriend, yelled.

I got up and yelled back a quick, "Coming," and got dressed. 'I wonder why Chiron called a meeting this early in the morning,' I thought to myself.


It was dark out when I walked sleepily out my cabin. There weren't any campers running about. 'Everyone must still be sleeping,' I thought. I heard noise coming from the big house and guessed that everyone was already there.

I opened the door only to get a chair to the face. "Watch where your going, Prissy," Clarisse shouted.

"Hey Seaweed brain!" Annabeth said. "How are you?"

"I'm tired and my face hurts!" I complained. "So your OK? Great!" Leo joked. (A.N. I know he 'died' in Blood of Olympus but I don't really care)

At that moment, Chiron walked into the room with a calm expression. "Quiet down everyone, I have something important to tell you and I ask that you keep quiet and stay calm until the end, am I clear?" He asked in a stern, yet calm, voice.

We all sat and watched as Chiron took a deep breath and began. "The other day we came across a new type of monster. It wasn't from the Greek myths. The mortals couldn't see them, they were invisible to the mortals and only some demigods could see them. We do not know what they are but we believe they are some type of demons. They could not be hurt by our weapons either. Does anyone have any idea what these could be?" Chiron explained and the whole room was silent. Nobody raised their hand and you could practically hear the gears turning in Annabeths head as she tried to figure out what the weird creatures were.

"If nobody has any idea as to what these things are then we can only wait and see, but until then be on the lookout and act as though everything is normal," Chiron ordered.

I stood up and walked back to my cabin deep in thought. What could they be? Chiron said they weren't from the Greek myths so they can't be monsters. Chiron said something about demons. They can't be real, can they? My thoughts were interrupted as I bumped into someone.

"Sorry," I apologised. "I didn't see yo-" I trialed off as I looked up to see someone that was not a demigod. It had long horns and large canines that were pulled into a terrifying grin. Its wings were stretched out, the ends had sharp talons. There were ten more of these weird monsters behind them and I had a feeling they were the demon things Chiron was talking about.

I got up and ran to my cabin, locking the door and windows to keep whatever it was that I bumped into out. I looked around my cabin only to see these little black blobs floating around a long, blue sword sheath.

"Where did that come from," I asked myself. I walked over to it, swatting away the little blobs on my way. I reached down and picked up the sword in its sheath. I reached towards the hilt of the mysterious sword and pulled it out. Almost immediately I was engulfed in blue flames. "What the crap," I screamed, trying to douse the flames with water. They just kept going. 'I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die,' is all I could think as I tried to get them off.

I began to feel pains in my teeth, ears and lower back. I cursed under my breath and gritted my teeth to keep from crying out.

'Wait, if the flames appeared when I took out the sword then surly they should disappear when I put it back in the sheath,' I thought. 'Its worth a shot.'

I put the sword back into its sheath and all of a sudden the flames disappeared and I just stood there, waiting for the pain to subside. As soon as it did, I walked over to the mirror and stood in front of it, checking my reflection, expecting to see myself looking like a piece of charred meat. And what I saw made me stumble back in alarm.

My eyes had gone a shade of blue exactly like the flames and my pupils were more like ovals than circles and my hair had a hint of blue mixed in. My ears had points at the end and my canines were longer and sharper. I spun around and jumped twenty feet in the air. I had a long black tail with a fluffy patch of blue that was curled on the end. I couldn't think straight and the only thought going through my head was, 'What the crap was that.'


A.N. This book has a lot of stuff from Blue Exorcist in it so if you haven't watched the anime series, this won't make much sense. I haven't seen Blue Exorcist in a while so some of the stuff might be incorrect. Hope you enjoyed reading the first chapter of my book!


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