Jonah Imagine

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Your in Slytherin and his in Gryffindor

NAME: Mae 

I'm a student in Hogwarts, three years after the death of Voldemort thanks to Harry Potter, I kept out of it, I ignored all the death eaters, even my parents were trying to get me to become one which I kept saying no, which ended in me moving out very quickly to muggle London. Today is the beginning of school. It's hard living on my own, my parents don't talk to me and I don't talk to them. I get dressed for the journey ahead of me. 

I grab my coat and grab everything, I'm 17 now and thank god. I go through the barrier at King's Cross. I spot Jonah, the Gryffindor prince, his kind to everyone. I get on the train and I sit down. I look out the window no one would sit with me so. "Is anyone sitting here?" asked Jonah!? "Uh yeah sure" said Mae. "So your Mae, right" said Jonah. "Yup" said Mae. "So what have you been up too?" asked Jonah. "Other then living by myself? Doing good, I live in Muggle London, and moving to LA once this school year is finished" said Mae. "That's what I'm doing, I am in a band with Muggles and I am moving to LA, as well. Why live in Muggle London?" asked Jonah. "Yeah, everyone doesn't like me and all wizards and witches alike know that I am the daughter of Antonin Dolohov and his wife Luisa Dolohov. So I tend to live in Muggle London" said Mae. "Oh I'm sorry, I actually wanna be your friend" said Jonah. "Yeah, your being dared and then you break my heart and I feel heartbroken" said Mae. "What? No" said Jonah, I can sense his telling the truth. 

We get there and go in. Mcgonagall has let us wear our own clothes now, and I am so happy about that! I sit down at the table and ignore the stares that I betrayed Slytherin by not being a death eater. I am just upset. I then go to the dorm and go to bed. 

I wake up the next morning and I just sigh. I hope Jonah isn't pranking me. I find an outfit I like and want to wear.

 I find an outfit I like and want to wear

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I grab vans. I put my hair in a bun and go down for food. I sit down and sigh. I then go to Defence Against The Dark Arts and it's with the Gryffindors.I go inside and sit down. No one sits beside me, Jonah sits with all his mates. I look up and see HARRY POTTER. He'll hate me too. "OK so we have made a discovery... Antonin Dolohov and Luisa Dolohov kidnapped their 'daughter' Mae..... her real last name is Mae Besson" said Harry. I just stare at him. Corbyn looks at me. "Your twins, Corbyn and Mae" said Harry. I stand up. "So.... they kidnapped me when I was what?" asked Mae. "When you were 4 years old." said Harry. I just nod. "Can I go for a walk?" asked Mae. He nods and I walk out. I go to the court yard and sit down. I have a twin and his in Gryffindor and ugh. Someone sits beside me and someone on the other side. 

"Hey Mae... my parents are gonna be so happy to meet you!" said Corbyn. "Yeah but I'm in Slytherin, would they want a kid that's in the bad house" said Mae. "Mae, you were only in Slytherin cause of your kidnappers, not you. Your kind, brave and no wonder.... you look just like me and I never noticed it before" said Corbyn. We stand up and hug. "I'm going back in, Jonah don't hurt my sister" said Corbyn. He nods. Corbyn walks in and I smile at Jonah. "So looks like I am a Besson" said Mae. "Yup" said Jonah. I walk up to him and smile. "I like you, Mae. I have since 1st year but I was too scared cause ya know but will you be my girlfriend?" asked Jonah. "I would love that, Jonah" said Mae. I kiss him. McGongall walks out. "Why are you not in class?" asked McGonagall. "I found out I was kidnapped" said Mae. "What? Your parents are Mr and Mrs  Dolohov" said McGonagall. "I'm a Besson" said Mae. 

"Oh.... Mr Potter!" said McGonagall. "Hey, yeah... Mae, I will be taking you and Corbyn and Jonah and their mates home to meet your parents" said Harry. I smile and nod. We go to the gates and walk out and apparate into Corbyn's house. Our parents come and hug us. We hang out and then go back to school. 


Me and Jonah get married.

I have a strong relationship with my parents.

  Antonin Dolohov and Luisa Dolohov were put in Azkaban.

We had two baby boys, Devon and Luke Marais and a baby girl on the way, Clarissa Marais.

Lorna xx 

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