W.S: Groomsmen

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I have to ask some men for my groomsman. I have the perfect idea. I've decided on Daniel being my best man, then Corbyn, Jack and Zach as groomsmen.

We are going to an interview and I am asking them during it. We sit down.

"So Jonah your getting married so who is going to be the best man and groomsmen?" Asked Kevin the interviewer. "Well I want Daniel as my best man and Zach, Corbyn, Jack and Zach as my groomsmen" Said Jonah. They look at me and nod. "I'd love too" Said everyone. I smile.


I'm asking Jonah, Jack, Daniel and Zach to be my groomsmen. Daniel is gonna be my groomsmen just since his single and he'll be with his sister.

I get four boxes and place in the letters. I set them down with their names on the top. They walk in and I smile at them. They look at the boxes and find their names.

They read it and gasp. "Oh my god. Yes!" Said all the lads. "I'll be your best man of course" Said Daniel. I smile at them.


I'm asking Corey La Barrie to my best man. Then of course Corbyn, Zach, Jack and Jonah to be my groomsmen. I am excited about it since they are all my best friends.

I see them walk into the house and sit down. "I want to ask you something Corey" Said Dani. "Yeah" Said Corey. "Will you be my best man?" Asked Dani. "Yes!" Said Corey. "And guys will you be my groomsmen?" Asked Dani. "I'd love too!" Said all the lads.

All my groomsman.


I'm asking Zach to be my best man and Jonah, , Daniel and Corbyn to be my groomsman. I hope they say yes.

They walk in and I hand Zach a cd. "Can you play that?" Asked Jack. He places it in the CD player and presses play. "Zach will you be my best man? And Bean, Jonah, Dani to be my groomsman?" Asked Jack. They all nod and hug me. "Thank you! I am so honoured to be your best man" Said Zach. I smile. I bro hug him.


I'm asking Corbyn to be my best man and Jonah, Jack, Daniel to be my groomsmen. They all hinted about it. So I am doing it my way.

I get in a suit and go down to them. "Bean your my best man and Jon, Noodle, Dani your my groomsmen, Ok" Said Zach. They all nod.

I laugh and they hug me.

So this one is done:-)

Next part is the first interview after being engaged.

Lorna wxdxw

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