The love that went expressed!!!!

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I passed through the corridors of the palace , rushing towards my chamber, ignorant of the pleasent wind passing through the corridor. I had ordered malini , to keep away any person , except my husbands. I banged closed my chamber door, and sat down , with a burning heart. I did not have any problem with Subhadra , but the fact was , that i wanted it to be my day with him.Subconciously i touched my earring studded with the blue diamond , parth had gifted. It only increased my agony. "Did he even notice it?" , i thought.

Bhrata yudhistir's order , was a blessing in disguise. Walking towards panchali's chamber felt nostalgic. You could feel her aroma, in the whole corridor, the fragnance of flowers and fire, breathtaking   combination. I am ready to face my queen's wrath , but today i won't let her down , she will be mine!!!

The door of the chamber slit open , as drauapadi became alert of her husbands presence. She could sense parth entering and shuting the chamber behind , with the closure , she shivered too.

She didn't try to wipe her tears, nor did she make any attempt to welcome her love.Arjun slowly walked towards , trying to imbibe each and every finery of the lovely chamber.

"Draupadi ......are you alright dear?" Arjun asked
"What shall happen to me?" draupadi answered , in a voice heavy of tears.

Burning arrows pierced arjun's heart , as he listened her breaking voice.

"sahdev told me that you had some headache, ......" arjun tried completing.

"headache ? why would i have any......." draupadi replied.

Arjun was getting extremely frustated of this formality. They loved each other , then why talk like strangers. He sat beside draupadi , and swiftly took her hand in his.

The sudden touch excited drauapdi , but not enough to give her a smile.

A:" Panchali ! i didn't intend to bring subhadra !"

D: But you did , ........anyways it doesn't matter......

A: it does matter, and you have the right to ask me why ....

D: is that so, than i want to know the fruitful reason.

A: Madhav told , that , it was needed for the future of aryavrat ...., our alliance shall turn out to be the need of the hour.

D: "I am not upset with subhadra , Arya ! ......"she told looking directly into arjun's eyes" I just wanted to know , that are you happy ? .....that shall be the most fruitful reason of the alliance , all i want is the happiness of my parth , with me or without ......" before she could complete her sentence , arjun closed her mouth , with his hands and wildly shook his head in a no.
A: "never say it ever again, .....without panchali , no arjun could exsist......their has not been a single breath i have taken without your name in it. You have given me a reason to survive. Your love , makes my could you imagine , me living without his panchali....."

tears flowed like river , as draupadi was tired of their distance . 

She immediately kept her head close to his heart and started sobbing hard. "I missed you too arya ....." words were falling short to describe one's heart.

"call me parth......" arjun insisted as draupadi smiled through her tears.

"do you know , how my days went by , i counted upon them, sometimes i felt too vulnerable , at times i felt too rigid....." draupadi opened up , lastly she had found a friend to confide in. Its not true , that she was uncomfortable with her other Aryas, she loved and respected them , but the parth understood women was unmatchable.

Arjun just nodded , and closed his eyes as they lay in each other's embrace.

"I heard that , recently shrutsena , Sahdev's son was born......where is my nephew, i want to see him...." arjun expressed.

"Come , he is lying in the craddle, he slept a while ago....." draupadi gestured holding his hand.

They walked around the craddle, as Arjun's happiness knew no bounds. Though he had fathered children with uloopi and the manipur princess, he never had the joy of holding an infant.

he delicately placed his hands on the baby , as he snuggled in his arms. arjun's eyes had an enourmous joy holding the baby . Draupadi was overjoyed seeing this.

"our son , shall look like you..." draupadi blurted out , only to blush later.

parth had already taken it as her wish , as he placed back the baby , and took panchali in his arms.

"you look beautiful yagnaseni" as he inhaled her senses.

"your wish is my command ....." he announced , and placed a kiss on her forehead.

Joy had known no bounds to the blessed couple.



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