Lazy evening!!!

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I could see the sun set in front of my eyes. my head was resting on parth's chest. Our heartbeats synchronized perfectly.i had embraced his waist , just like a child holding on to his favourite entity.

 Arjun was lying lazily on the swing with panchali in his arms.he had closed his eyes in pure bliss.he had seen much more beautiful dawns and rises, but nothing could be more heavenly on this earth , than that swing at that moment. 

they lay their in loose clothings with minimal jwellery  enjoying each other's silence. Only then draupadi decided, to break the silence.

"arya should i ask something?...." draupadi asked lying in the same position. Arjun rolled his eyes in affirmation and she sensed it. With a little pause, she said" how did uloopi look like?"

"why do you ask about her!" arjun asked as curious as she was.

"i had heard about the nag princess , was curious to know how things worked for them..."draupadi said , expressing a genuine desire.

" the nag princess, was not a human beauty , she was different . her eyes had a different colour of desire, she was not submissive, she liked ordering ...."arjun told remincing the few moments he had got together with uloopi.

"she forced you ,right?" draupadi asked.

"yes she did, she was quite clear of what she wanted. I was too meek to take anymore problems on my head,"arjun continued, suddenly interupted by draupadi.

"and my great warrior submitted!!!" draupadi said , with a laugh.

"hmmmm...." told arjun , untill he realised , the esssence of the statement. His eyes turned big , as panchali left his embrace , and ran swiftly towards the chamber.
" now i understand , why suddenly uloopi had your attention!" arjun said as he ran swiftly to catch his wife.

panchali was well equipped with her palace . she knew well were to sneak and where to run from. for arjun it was a new exercise. 

Not getting a bit closer to draupadi annoyed arjun.

"aaah!!!" he screamed, as draupadi literally rushed back to his aid. 

"arya!!!!" she screamed as , instead of showing his sprain , he scooped her up in his arms. 

"arjun knows how to win!!!" he told , as he smirked through the way till the chamber. Panchali was not pleased with the relevation.

"parth!! this is not fair..."draupadi complained.

"everything is fair in love and war , my love!!"he announced , his eyes brimming with love.
 he placed her down on the bed. 
"is that so , ...." draupadi said , as she pulled arjun , as he was taken by surprise.

" do you know , sometimes , humans too want their orders fulfilled....." she told in a husky voice.
Arjun was totally shocked on her bold moves , but enjoyed it with a sutle smile.

draupadi moved her hands on his face . She paused , her slender fingers on his lips, as he grabbed her by her waist. She came closer , as he came too. they closed their eyes. suddenly a voice came from the other end, "MATA!!"prativindhya came in with sleepy eyes.

Both arjun and drauapdi were startled as they went loose on their hold. a liitle bit annoyed they went away from the sizzlig proximity.

"what happened dear!!!" draupadi aked lifting her eldest. "i cant sleep!!" he said with a genuine innosence. 

"let me make you sleep!!" draupadi said , as arjun sat on the other side , seeing draupadi sing a lullaby . 

a few minutes later , not only prativindhya was asleep , but her dhananjya had also retired in a deep slumber.

She kissed her son. she kissed her parth.

The moon embraced the chamber , with heavenly light , taking indraprasth in paradisic slumber. 


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* next parts will be based on other characters too....

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