Chapter Seven

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“No,  Amiga, why are you letting this bother you?”

“You’re kidding right?  The man made me eat a freakin' lemon in front of at least 50 people, Louisa.”

“It’s just a lemon.”

“It’s not just a lemon,  girl,  Beyoncé was quaking," Nickie's comments were making Selene's anxiety spread through her veins like wildfire. 

“You’re not helping, Sabrosa.”

“But where’s the lie, though?”


“Exactly,  my point.”

Fancy groaned as she listened to her friends bicker over her predicament.  She was currently in her office,  picking at her lunch, and generally wishing she didn’t exist. They had been on the phone for fifteen minutes, ‘trying to make her feel better.’ So far,  that had been a bust. 

It had been five days since the night at the Greenhouse Club.  Five days of weird,  dark,  emotionally confusing dreams.  Five days of no appetite though she was ravenous.  Five days of her best friends analyzing the performance like it was a crappy teen romance movie scene.  Five days of unshakable anxiety,  feeling like she would run into the man at every turn. 

Selene was almost convinced that she was going out of her mind, and she couldn’t decide if her friends were helping or hurting her at this point. 

Dumping her uneaten bagel sandwich the waste bin, she laid her head on the cold white desktop. She didn’t want to think or talk about it anymore, but she couldn’t stop.  Her mind wouldn’t let her. 

“All I’m saying is that I don’t think Smitty is a bad person, Nic.”

“Wasn’t the devil a good person once?”

Dios Mio, Meja that is a stretch and you know it.”

Even though the desk was a crisp kind of cold,  she could feel the heat in her face full force.  Both girls had tried to remember his name and failed.  The only thing they could agree on was that his name started with a ‘S', and that he was missing the obvious career choice of being a Pirate.  Thus, Smitty was born. 

“Honestly, I say think we should track him down and give him a piece of our minds!”

“That is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard come out of your mouth, and I’ve known you for Twenty years.”

Selene perked up,  sitting up so fast that her back popped,  echoing around the mostly empty office.  Maybe if she could talk to him,  see why he erased her memory? 

“But what’s that going to do?  Am I really just upset that he erased my memory? Or is it being hypnotized in the first place?” She thought to herself. 

“I’m in,  let’s do it,” she said with determination and resolve in her voice.

Amigui,  No.”

“Louisa, she’s right!  You know I’m not going to be able to let this go until I get answers.”

“Fine,  but I’m not in this.  Es  muy Estúpido.” Louisa replied sounding very annoyed at this point, as she often did when she felt she couldn’t protect them from themselves. 

“Chimichanga,  burrito,  con queso, blah.  You’re fucking up my vibe.”
Fancy could practically hear Louisa roll her eyes and puff up in rage.  She let them argue it out for a few minutes as she thought to herself. 

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