My Immortal Beloved (Chapter 7)

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Lisette went home with Aurelia that day and showed her how quickly her chores could be done with her help, leaving them with more time to spend together. This quickly became something they did every day, but they kept it a secret. The moment Aurelia's family was gone, Lisette would come by and help with the chores and in less than fifteen minutes they had the rest of the day to themselves, unlike the two hours it had taken before.

They sat side by side on the beach one morning, they had come straight here after finishing chores and for a while sat in comfortable silence, just listening to the sounds of the ocean.

"Liss?" Lisette smiled at the nickname Aurelia had taken to using.


"What happens when I die?"

Lisette breathed in sharply, she didn't want to think of Aurelia dying.

"I don't know, technically, I never died," she said sadly.

Aurelia looked up with a small smile, "I wasn't asking about the afterlife silly, I meant, what happens to you? Do you just keep on living and maybe in another few years you'll meet someone else?" The look on her face was so sad that Lisette felt a pain in her chest as if her heart were aching.

"I guess that could be what happens, although I couldn't imagine ever being with anyone but you." She turned to look at the girl she'd fallen madly in love with in a short matter of weeks and Aurelia's lips brushed against hers. Lisette would never understand how this girl could turn her insides to mush, put a smile on her face and give her butterflies with a simple kiss.

There was still so much she needed to learn about the human girl and so much she needed to share about herself, but she didn't care. Lisette felt like she'd never been in love before now and it was wonderful, but she was careful not to let it cloud her judgment and get one or both of them killed. In love or not, she was still a killer and she knew that Aurelia was no longer completely safe, but was absolutely confident in her ability to protect her.

"You'll stay though right? You'll stay until the end?" Aurelia pleaded and Lisette turned to look her square in the eyes.

"Why are you being so morbid all of a sudden?"

"I have this feeling that something is coming and that it has something to do with you. I don't know if it's good or bad, but either way I just want to know that you're going to be by my side, whatever happens."

Lisette took one of Aurelia's hands in her own and lifted it to her lips, kissing each knuckle and then her finger tips.

"I will be by your side until you take your last breath, I promise you that." She slid her other hand into Aurelia's hair and gently pulled her face closer for a kiss.

"I love you," Aurelia whispered against Lisette's lips, Lisette pulled back to look her in the eye once again. Aurelia's heart dropped into her stomach, she'd said too much too soon and now she was going to scare Lisette away. Panic was starting to set in.

"I don't know how or why, it is beyond my logic to understand why you love me so easily, but I am inexorably and madly in love with you too."

"You know you could have just started with 'I love you too' and spared me the heart attack I was just having." Lisette opened her mouth to apologize, but before she could say a word, Aurelia's lips were on hers and their arms were wrapped around each other as they slowly laid back on the sand.

Aurelia was basking in the warm glow of being in love with Lisette, she didn't care what she was or give a single thought to how dangerous she could be, all that mattered was that they loved each other and the rest would work itself out. She couldn't help wondering if she was being foolish, but she didn't want to rectify the situation if she was. Finally, she was happy, after so many long years of wishing to find her knight in shining armor. It didn't matter that she had ended up with a vampire, it was close enough, Lisette was still her prince...or princess Charming.

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