Chapter 4: Last moments of the academy and meeting the future teachers

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(A/N: I'm skipping most of the time in the academy due to it being, even in the anime, boring desk work with barely any ninja training due to the civilian council. Naruto will be the top of the class due to Nightmare Steve sending a clone of himself to take Naruto's place. Also thank you all of those who read my story and I hope you enjoy the next chapter of the Neglected King. P.S. everyone is in there Shippuden uniforms, also I will only describe Naruto's sister and the female Sasuke.)

(Konoha Ninja Academy, Graduating class)

Iruka looked upon the class full of students that had passed the exam to become the next generation of ninja who would protect the village. When Iruka looked at his former students he saw the children that he'd taught for the past seven years change from children into the fine young adults sitting before him ready to go out into the world. When Iruka looked at certain students he thought of how they had changed throughout the years and some who were still the same.

There was Shikamaru Nara who was the lazy genius who could figure out almost any problem, but was so lazy that the world around him could be ending and he wouldn't do a thing about it. His clan specializes in using their shadows to attack, defend, and capture their targets. The Nara, Yamanaka, and Akamichi clans work best together making up the infamous Ino-Shika-Cho trio.

Choji Akamichi is a 'big boned' character who looked like he couldn't hurt a fly. However Hurt his friends or call him fat and you'll be experiencing a world of pain. A man in the ICU recovery room can admit to that. His clan specializes in using body expanding jutsu which can change the size of their body's defending on how much chakra they use.

Ino Yamanaka is a blond haired girl who is the heiress of the Yamanaka. She uses mind jutsu that allows her to transfer her mind into the head of her target and either control them or learn everything in their head. This is why that the Yamanka has many of their clan members in the Torture and Interrogation division. However she is a huge fan girl to Kiba Inuzuka so she doesn't train as much as she should passing the academy only due to the training that was mandatory for her clan.

Kiba Inuzuka was a wild and arrogant looking boy. His dog partner Akamaru knows that her master looks at mist of the females in the room as his especially one Natsumi Uzumaki-Namikaze. Kiba has the idea imprinted in his head that he was the alpha of the class and that no male should be better than him and all females should be begging to have his children. The only problem for his dream is Natsumi's brother one Naruto Uzumaki.

Natsumi looks like her mother when she was fifteen. She had her red hair in a bun as to keep it from getting in her way while fighting and has it being held in place by senbon needles as to have a last minute weapon. She is dressed in a black long sleeve shirt that stops mid-rift and the sleeves stop a third of the way down her arm. Her pants reach down to her ankles and have tape going down the rest of the way down her legs as protection. She has two pouches on her right thigh with the top one holding shiruken and the bottom one has kunai.

Hinata Hyuuga is a rather shy girl with a timid personality. She has blue hair that goes past her shoulders and her eyes are a shade of lavender that goes rather well with her appearance considering that she looks more like her mother than her father as well as act like her. Hinata has had a huge crush on Naruto for years and couldn't gather up the courage to tell him due to her self esteem being driven into the ground by her asshole clan elders. However, given the chance, Hinata would tell Naruto about her feelings and hope for the best.

Satsuki Uchiha, one of the only two to survive her clan's massacre with her mother being the other one, when they were all killed by her older brother Itachi. On that day Satsuki promised herself that she would become powerful enough to kill her brother and avenge her fallen clan members. Afterwards she would focus on reviving her clan with a strong male that she finds worthy and one of those potential males was the brother to one Natsumi Uzumaki-Namikaze.

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