Chapter 5: Meeting the team and the bell test

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Hello readers it's Jacob and here is the next chapter of The Neglected King. Now I haven't set up a set time frame for when I'll update between chapters but I'm writing this one immediately after publishing the last chapter so any sort of comments left on the last chapter haven't either been written or I haven't read them. Another thing is that after I give the team the bell test I may change how the wave mission a bit because a lot of information I get about this stuff is from other people's fanfiction which were all pretty well written. Anyway enough of me rambling on it's time for the story.

(On the Academy Roof)

Kushina and Mikoto had just the Shunshin no jutsu (body flicker technique) to appear on the roof but were surprised to see that Naruto had already beaten them to the roof which surprised both females as they assumed that Naruto would arrive at the same time as the rest of his teammates but decided to ask him about it another time. The three waited on the roof for a few minutes before the three female genin made it to the roof and were told to sit on the benches on the roof. Once everyone was situated Kushina decided to begin introductions so everyone could get to know each other a bit better seeing as they were going to be teammates in the future.

"Alright everyone," Kushina began," my name is Kushina and this is your assistant sensei Mikoto and before we do any sort of training we are going to do some introductions. I'll begin. My name is Kushina Uzumaki-Namikaze and I like my family, my deceased clan, kenjutsu, and my friends. I hate perverts, Kumo ninja, rapists, and child abusers. I'm an expert in sword play and using my chakra chains as well as water style jutsu. My dream is to see this team and my children succeed in whatever their life's goals are."

"Now it's my turn," announced Mikoto," my name is Mikoto Uchiha and I like my friends and children. I dislike the civilian council, the elders, my old clan ways, perverts and rapists. My dream is to find my son Itachi and discover his reason for killing our clan as well as helping my daughter become as strong as she can be. I am an expert in genjutsu, sword play and the Uchiha fire style techniques as well as using my sharingan."

After Mikoto finished her introduction she signaled for Satsuki to give hers.

"My name is Satsuki Uchiha. I have few things I like and that includes my mother and our clan. I have numerous dislikes one of which is not having the power that I need to answer the questions I need to ask my brother. My goal is to find out the truth of our clan's massacre from my bother and to have strong children to rebuild the Uchiha clan."

When Satsuki said that last part she looked at Naruto was a look of desire and lust which honestly gave Naruto the shivers out of worry for his innocence. Ghost Steve had given Naruto "the talk" when he turned thirteen so he knew about the ins and outs of the opposite gender and knew that Satsuki was looking at him with a look that said he would be hers no matter what. However back to the introductions.

Next was Hinata.

"My name is Hinata Hyuuga. I like my father, mother, little sister and my cousin as well as a certain boy (That's right she's gonna be a part of it so if you want to flame me I don't care it's my imaginary world and I'm gonna shape it the way I want so HA!). My dislikes are the clan elders as well as the caged bird seal on the branch members. My dream for the future is to unite my family as a whole and one day get together with a certain boy."

As Hinata finished her introduction Naruto could only wonder who the boy that Hinata was talking about was so he can put the fear of god into them is they break her heart. However realization suddenly dawned on Naruto and hit him harder than one of Nightmare Steve's full powered punches. She was in love with HIM! Oh boy did he feel like an idiot for not noticing her feelings earlier though he doesn't know how he feels about her seeing as during the whole academy he pretty much kept to himself the whole time and focused on training and preparing for the other Steves to show up and try to kill him.

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