In a mood

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I woke up early today, did a light make up and I made it in time to where John and I agreed he would be picking me up and yes my mum didn't have time for me this morning. She and my dad had another argument their arguments were becoming too frequent this days even though I didn't grow up to them being always on each others neck it still bothered me. Ever since my dad lost his job 6 years ago when I was 17 things really went bad and my mum had been the one fending for the family with her government job it has really not been easy and she hasn't been able to buy another car after the one my dad bought for her before he lost his job spoilt. I hate to say this but my dad felt too comfortable with not contributing anything to the family upkeep though he kept saying he had tried and I know the country is really hard and maybe he felt too old because he was already over 50. I always wondered if my mum was not working what would have become of us.

John tried to have a conversation with me on our way to work but I kept replying in monosylabbles even when he complimented my look this morning I just muttered a thank you without a smile. I wasn't just in the mood for any talk this morning. When we got to the department I greeted Ivie casually and walked past though I had a feeling she wanted to have a conversation with me someone that didn't even deem it fit to bade me goodbye yesterday after our supposed bonding. I settled down at my desk and continued the work I was assigned to do yesterday that I didn't complete.
"Derin nawaa for you o, you just greeted me asif we are fighting" Ivie said as she sat on my desk. "You that just left me yesterday and went home nko?" was my sly reply. "Haba I had a test oo in school I took permission and left since 2 sef Oblong almost didn't allow me go sef she delayed me so I had to rush out, give me your number sef next time I will just call you to give you heads up" she said flashing her iPhone X in my face. I took it and stored my phone number in it. I am always fond of cutting people off once they show off a lukewarm attitude or bad vibes I had gotten to the stage where what I needed was peace and sanity in my life no time to chase someone to be in my life up and down. "I am sorry for jumping into conclusion, how was your test?" I said as I touched her human hair playfully. The hair was really good and definitely far from what I could afford at the moment. "Those yeye lecturers it was just there jare I sha know one day I will graduate, you look good today oo this your makeup is really nice" she said laughing.

Back in University those who talked like this were the non chalant students and I wasn't part of them. "Thanks dear I was rushing yesterday that's why I didn't make up I replied her smiling". If there was anything I was good at it was giving myself a very nice face beat. My years in unilag was definitely not for play. She went back to her desk and I continued my work.
The rest of the day went quite well the three musketeers were too busy to cause any trouble today and I noticed John avoided me through out the day. I knew I had to make up for my cold behaviour this morning on our way to work. When it was 4pm Ivie came to my table to tell me goodbye as she was rushing for her evening lectures and I had to finish the work Oblong brought around 3pm. I noticed John was still busy too so good for 2 of us. I was done before John and was on my phone when he beckoned me to leave as we walked out of the department about to enter the elevator. Ayotunde the MD's son was also about to use the elevator, apparently he came to see someone on our floor and was about leaving John dragged me back when I wanted to enter lift but I insisted on using it regardless. I wasn't going to let anyone intimidate me if he could not use the lift with other staff members then there should be a private lift. I felt John didn't just like him and was probably intimidated because he didn't seem surprised when I entered the life with him. "You are the lady I saw yesterday on my way to work right?" He said. This guy must be joking he was supposed to say I'm the lady her splashed water on yesterday and not saw "Hmmm yeah" I muttered without looking up from my phone. "You are new here right because I don't think I have seen you here before" He replied. "Yes I just started working here yesterday" and you made my first day of work quite eventful I wanted to add but I decided to shut up. "Nice to meet you I'm Ayotunde but you can call me Ayo what's your name?" He said with a smile and an extended hand. I shook his hand and said my name is Aderinsola though people call me Derin". "What a nice name Derin I hope to see you around" he said as we walked out of the elevator. I walked to the car park to wait for John and I felt somewhat excited and I didn't like that yes Ayotunde looked good and was nice to me in the elevator but he was a typical Yoruba demon and I definitely wasn't his type so I didn't want any funny ideas getting in my head just because of a brief conversation.

John came and started making a fuss about entering the elevator with Ayotunde. "It's not a big deal John if they didn't want staff to enter the elevator with them there would be a special one for the dignitaries" I said with so much emphasis on dignitaries. "Plus we even had a short conversation and he recognised me from yesterday I added hoping it will make John drop the matter and let us ride home in peace. "He talked to you keh? Wow that's a first I heard if it's not work he doesn't talk to people and doesn't reply greetings sometimes too" he replied looking surprised. "Well he even said I can call him Ayo he seemed friendly" I replied. "Better call him Mr Ayotunde Coker, he probably just wants to get in your pants" John replied with so much bitterness. I was angry why would John think he just wanted to sleep with me did I look like a one night stand or one of those cheap prostitutes. I wanted to reply him but decided to keep mute instead silence they say is the best answer for a fool. I'm sure he did feel like a fool because throughout the remaining ride home he tried to start a conversation with him but I replied in monosylabbles once again atleast I had a reason to ignore him this time. He apologised when I was about to get down and I told him it wasn't a problem.

As I walked into the living room I saw my dad watching television like someone with no worries in the world and I was angry again on my mum's behalf. Yes he is a great father and didn't neglect his responsibilities but I feel like he seem to have given up on life and was very comfortable being like this. I greeted him and walked out of the living room didn't even wait for him to ask me any questions. My mum was sleeping and I was grateful I didn't have to talk to her too I didn't want to talk to any one I was in such a mood for the better part of today. I ate my rice and stew that she had prepared had my bath and lay on my bed to press my phone. My immediate younger sister Deola called me, "Sup sis, sorry I didn't call yesterday to ask how your work was I called mum earlier and she told me you were not back. Working class lady don't forget us when you collect your first salary o". "Yeye girl I know you called me to book from my first salary you people don't even want me to enjoy my money. Ronke sef already messaged me on whatsapp to send her 5k I'm sure that one thinks they pay workers on their first day of work" I replied hissing. "Haba na, I actually just called you to say hello and hope you grab one island guy fast if you don't want sha you can tell them you have a hotter younger sister in final year I'm always available" Deola said cheerfully. "Island guy ko,madam don't you have a boyfriend again?" I said laughing. "Forget that one jare if I see a potential husband I will leave him sharp sharp. I will come home soon bye" was her reply as we ended the call. That's my sister Deola for you. She has always been outgoing right from secondary school and in unilag she was definitely not slacking. She was always clubbing every Friday. Unlike me that never went to any club in my 4 years in unilag. Funny enough she is studying law and still doing well in school I wonder how she does it with all her outings everytime. I hope she doesn't drag my baby sister Ronke in 100 level into her ways. My parents have talked and are even tired of Deola I think they have handed her matter over to God.

After the phone call I felt a little better and was on Twitter my favourite app of all time when my phone rang. It was from an unknown number and I picked it and waited for the caller to talk first as I always did for unknown numbers.

"Hello, good evening Derin it's Ayo" came the person on the call with his deep baritone voice. The voice didn't seem familiar and I was trying to figure out which Ayo it was when it clicked. What!!! Ayo my MD's son how did he get my number anyways.

"Derin are you there?" He said again. "Yeees" I stammered "I was trying to figure which Ayo it was and now I'm wondering how you got my number" I said in a breath. "Ooh my bad I asked the HR to give me that I needed to ask you to do something for me" he said with a hint of humor in his voice. "Okay so what is that sir?" I replied. "Don't be funny Derin you and I know I have no work to give you I just want to be your friend" he said. My friend keh? John's words came back to my head. If he was trying to get in my pants then he was definitely with the wrong girl. "Your friend? I wasn't expecting that " I replied. "It's only if you let me ofcourse that I can be your friend, can I call you again?" He asked. More like have you agreed to be my friend I said in my head. "Sure you can" I said instead.

"Goodnight Derin was his reply.

"Goodnight" I said and ended the call. Ayo wants to be my friend was the only thing I thought about as I drifted into sleep.

Aderinsola Where stories live. Discover now