What If

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I don't know why I made conscious effort to look extra good this morning I had even delayed John for like 15 minutes. My make up was heavier than yesterday's and I wore a bodycon dress that made my figure more obvious and I styled my hair a different way, even John couldn't stop staring at me as I caught him a few times.

As I walked into the building I suddenly felt bad and desperate just because Ayo called me yesterday I had to overdress today and I was even hoping we bump into each other.
When I got to my department, Ivie couldn't stop complimenting me and it made me feel somewhat better I even had to ask her if I looked overdressed and she said no that infact I should be coming to work everyday like this. Who get time for that one. Mrs Eze one of the three musketeers had also complimented although with much emphasis on how we young ladies of this days liked shakara too much and her 2 friends had agreed with her without much doubt.
John didn't ignore me today infact I think he was hitting on me. He came to my desk every now and then to say one thing or the other. Oblong and Mr Akin had a board meeting so I didn't really have much work to do. I went to the reception to gist with Ivie and she told me she was dating one the major customers of the company, she didn't even hide the fact that he was married and even advised me not to hesitate if a married man showed interest in me. According to her they take care of women better than single men. When I asked her if she felt guilty and how she would feel if her husband was cheating on her. She said her husband will never cheat on her because she knows how to take care of a man well that the women with cheating husbands were the ones who pushed the men outside I just decided to drop the issue because people she was so comfortable with the lifestyle and what will my opinion change anyways.

When we closed as John and I walked to the car park I was so happy I didn't bump into Ayo and was finally going home. John and I talked about our childhood and family on the way back home and I was happy we had an healthy conversation today.

My mum was watching TV when I got home and she seemed to be in a good mood today. She told me my dad got a temporary contract with a company to supply some materials for them and the pay was good. She was happy that atleast she could use her salary this month to take care of herself. She was already even planning the clothes to buy and was even asking me if I will be available to follow her to the market to get them. After eating and showering I was on my bed on instagram and twitter as usual when Ayo's call came in.
"Hello Derin, good evening" came his sweet husky voice. Ayo's voice alone could make a lady fall for him it was so sexy.
"Hello Ayo, good evening" I replied. "You looked really good today Derin". "Errm where did you see me because I didn't see you today at all". I was surprised he saw me. "I saw you leaving the office this afternoon with a guy" "Ooh, John he's a colleague we go home together".
Alright where do you stay?
Okay, can you come to my office tomorrow I want us to talk I will tell my secretary I have a meeting with you.
Hmm okay no problem
I wondered what Ayo wanted to see me in his office well that's all I thought about till I slept

This morning I was so conscious about my make up and cloth. I wiped my make up off twice and tried on several outfits. Thank God my sisters were in school if not they would have suspected that something was up. I woke up 30 minutes early so I wasn't running late enough to delay John. I finally settled for a jumpsuit and did a decent make up that wasn't as heavy as yesterday's

John complimented me again this morning and we chatted all the way to work. Ivie couldn't stop gushing about how great I looked and asked me to give her the jumpsuit after washing it. Me that I'm still trying to have a decent wardrobe. If there was anyone collecting clothes it would definitely be me collecting from her because she looked way sophisticated than me. I was almost tempted to tell her about Ayo but I decided to keep it to my self.

Today was annoyingly slow and I couldn't wait for break time. Even John noticed that I was agitated and asked if I was alright. By exactly 1pm Ayo texted me to come to his office. I usually had lunch with Ivie so I had to lie to her that I had an errand to run in the environ so I was skipping lunch.
I hurriedly left the office and made my way to Ayo's office when I got to his secretary's desk I met only him there waiting for me. Apparently he had sent his secretary on an errand. I didn't know if I should be happy about it or not. I kind of wanted someone to know my whereabouts just in case.
"Hello, good afternoon" I said shyly
"You don't keep a gentle man waiting was his sly reply.
"Ooh I ddnt realise I was keeping you waiting" I replied sarcastically

He smiled and led me to his office. It was really big and spacious and had a large glass window from which he had a clear view of the Island. I didn't realise I was so in awe of the elegance of his office till he called my name. "Derin, I know I have rich taste in furnitures and interiors but you need to sitdown so we can have time to talk before lunch time is over and they start looking for you " came Ayo.
"Okay, okay" I replied blushing as I sat down. He sat on the table just in front of me and was staring directly at me that I was feeling the heat and suddenly became hot.
"Why did you call me here? Is it just to stare at me or what" I said in a breath.
"Chill Derin, you look really beautiful by the way. I wanted us to have a proper meeting and I want you to get a bit comfortable with me before I ask you on a date. I like you Derin and I want to get to know you better" Ayo said nervously like he had practised the speech severally.
I was confused and didn't know what to say. Here was one of the most eligible bachelors in Lagos telling me he liked me. It seemed so surreal and he was also a proper Yoruba demon what if he was doing all of this to get in my pants. What if this was how he behaved to the female staff and dumped them after he was done. The whole crush and excitement I had just died down. There were too many "What ifs" in my head and I knew I had to do something to get him out of my space so I got up and shouted, "Thanks for the speech but I don't like you". I walked out of his office without looking back and went straight to my seat. Ivie came running after me but I just dismissed her that the person I went to see annoyed me. I needed to be left alone and couldn't wait till closing time so I could go home.

John tried to have a conversation with me on our way home, I had to lie that I had PMS and he let me be. I went straight to the shower when I got home and slept right after. I woke up around 2 am to 15 missed calls from Ayo and 2 from John. I decided to text them both back that I slept off and just woke up.

I tried sleeping back but couldn't stop thinking about the stunt I pulled in Ayo's office. Was it really a smart move? What if he really likes me? Giving that he didn't even ignore me but gave me 15 whole missed calls.
I don't want him to think because of his money he can get any woman he wants and I am not even sure I like him. I was just too confused and hungry. I went to the kitchen to eat cereal and decided to sleep off on the couch in the sitting room so that my mum or dad could wake me. My sleep cycle has been disrupted and I don't  trust myself enough to wake up on time

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2018 ⏰

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