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Kalokairi, Greece 2007

"Woah, look what I've found" Matthew holds up in his hands, bagpipes.

His sisters look at him confused at what he was so amazed about.

"What is so amazing about bagpipes?" Sophie asks as she turns around to start moving a big box.

"Only he would be interested in boring things" Angelina scoffs and helps her older sister.

Matthew blows on them and it lets out a ear popping screeching sound.

"Hey! What did I tell you? Just move and don't touch" Donna runs into the goat house, taking the bagpipes and hanging them nicely on the wall.

"Mom, calm down. They're just bagpipes" Angelina laughs.

"Well, they're special.. Angie" Her mother sighs and walks out leaving the three to move things around.

"What's her deal with the bagpipes anyway?" Sophie rolls her eyes.

"Hey, respect mom's privacy. Jeepers!" Matthew says helping his sisters pull the big box out.

"Woah this is a big one!" Angie says squirming.

"One..two...three, Pull!" Sophie counts down.

They pull and the box slowly tips over. Matthew covers his ears, Sophie and Angie fall on their butts.

"Ouch, man!" Angie screams.

"Get up, before mom comes back and sees this mess!" Sophie gets up and starts throwing the things into the box.

As they are throwing clothes, shoes, big books in Sophie sees a pink book lying on the other side of the box. She walks over and picks it up.

'Donna's Diary' it read on the front cover.

"Angie, Matty... I just found mom's diary" Sophie says opening it.

"What? Don't open it" Matty sighs.

"Why?" Angie huffs.

"Because it's moms and you know how she feels when we snoop around" Matty explains sitting on another box.

"But it's so tempting, don't you want to know if she writes about our dad? Come on, I know you want to know who he is" Sophie smiles cunningly.

"No, I don't want to" Matty says turning his head.

"You know what mom always says, it was a summer's romance and he'd long gone before she was expecting me.. and then you two came along three years later" Sophie says looking at her brother who is not impressed.

"Oh just read it, it's not like he's going to tell" Angie sighs.

Sophie and Angelina read through, making the same expressions each time they read a page. Matthew watches them, eager to read but knows his mother will be upset if she finds out.

"Oh. My. Gosh!" Sophie and Angelina gasp the same time.

"What?" Matt is now intrigued.

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