One Year Later

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The beach couldn't be more perfect. The temperature was warm, the sand was soft and the atmosphere was peaceful and quiet. Just what Johnny and Ash needed. They were sharing a red beach blanket. Ash, who was wearing a black and white bikini, didn't need much room, but Johnny, in his green swim shorts, was careful not to be too greedy either.

"How are you doing, Johnny?" Ash asked.

"I'm doing great," Johnny replied. "I feel like the last year has gone so fast. My dad and his gang have only one more year to serve in prison and you are now a super famous rock star."

"And you have gone from a video assistant to the vice president of Shiny Trees Enterprise in only one year! Mr. Vocal always tells me what a hard working and caring guy you are."

"And he always tells me what an awesome and clever lady you are," Johnny said.

"And you are a great keyboard player when you're helping me with some of my songs," Ash went on. "And if it weren't for you, I would never found the joy of volunteering in my spare time."

Johnny just couldn't believe how fast his life has changed before his Zootopia mission. "I'm grateful you ask me to help out, Ash, but I have to ask. When we did that performing concert for Memory Solutions and they brought your rock n roll heroes to perform with them, why did you choose to perform with me instead of them?"

"Do you really want to know?" Ash got a nod from him. "Well, they may be my rock n roll heroes but I have one truly inspirational hero in my life."

"Your mom or your dad?" Johnny asked.

"Neither of them," Ash said, holding his arm. "I mean I love them and I keep in touch with them, but I've always been very different to them. It's you, Johnny."

Johnny was surprised to hear that.

"I'm so proud of you," she went on happily. "You still managed to be yourself and not let either of your parents force you to be someone you don't want to be. You're great at making friends, you help those who need it the most, you helped my career take flight, you helped us find a wonderful penthouse and pay rent and, more importantly, you have me regain my faith in having personal relationships. That's why you'll always be my number one hero, Johnny."

Johnny was so touched by that. "Thanks a million, Ash."

They leaned in to kiss each other's lips.

"Hi, Johnny."

They turned to see Gazelle, who was wearing a white bikini, was standing above them.

"Hi, Gazelle," Johnny said. "You here on vacation?"

"No, I'm doing a concert here," Gazelle said. "I'm just here to catch some healthy sun before my opening night tonight. I've heard about your success story. I'm impressed."

Johnny started to feel nervous as she was being flirty with him and he started to worry about what Ash was feeling. If he looked at her, he would see how worried she looked.

"I know you're very busy," Gazelle went on, "but I'm in need of a keyboard player."

"Sorry, Gazelle," Johnny said. "You're very nice and I'd be happy to help, but I'm not available."

"I'll make it worth your while," Gazelle said.

"He already has his while!" Ash snapped, standing up.

"And I heard your success story as well, Ash," Gazelle said. "Care for a duet in my concert? We'll sing one of your songs that you've written."

"Nice offer, Gazelle," Ash said, "but that's only one person in this world I would ever do a duet with and that's Johnny here."

"But break a leg for your concert night," Johnny said.

"Thanks," Gazelle said sadly. "See you later, guys." Then she walked on.

As Johnny and Ash watched her walk away, they saw two figures approaching them. They looked very similar. It looked to them that they were the lifeguards on this beach, one was a fox wearing red swim shorts and the other was a rabbit wearing a red one-piece swimsuit.

"Johnny! Ash!" they cried.

"Judy! Nick!" Johnny cried.

He and Ash hugged them.

"What's your mission this time?" Ash asked.

"There has been a robbery at the Zootopia Museum," Nick said.

"What treasure have they stolen?" Johnny asked.

"A very important document," Judy said. "It's the predator-prey carter."

"The very document that ensures predator and prey live together centuries ago?" Ash asked.

"Our police computer experts strongly believe that it's here in Calatonia," Judy said, "and that's why Chief Bogo has sent us as undercover. I just wish we didn't have to be lifeguards."

"Why not, Carrots?" Nick asked. "I bet a lot of boys would listen to your strict rules without hesitation."

"Ah ha, Sly Fox," Judy bantered back.

"What you like some help?" Johnny asked. "This time, you're in my city and I know every inch of it like at the back of my hand."

"And I've in this city all my life as well," Ash said. "So sign me up too."

"Great," Judy said. "Well, shall we get started?"

Johnny and Ash left the beach with Judy and Nick and the mission began.

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