My suicide

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It was a beautiful day. My mom woke up. Stepfather told me "Jacob I'm on my way to pick up your mother. Don't let anyone inside and clean your room." I sighed and began cleaning when I looked at my ceiling fan. Putting up a rope. Well nuise. I set a chair by it keeping the rope shortish. I wrote down a note 'mom I'm so sorry I wish I could tell you this in person but I can't have you talk me out of this my whole life I've even bullied and you know this and have helped me but Gerard beats me and has done the unspeakable. And I'm bullied at school and I just. I love you mommy. I'll see you in heaven one day. I promise! -love Jacob' I set the note by the chair and put the rope around me neck hugging a bear my mom gave me and wearing my real dad's shirt. I jumped off the chair. Dead in seconds. Then. My mom walked in and saw me. My dead body. I was a ghost. Nothing but a ghost watching in tears the bear on the floor now. She read the note and began crying getting me down she called a hospital in hopes I was alive just passed out. But no. They took me away and had a funeral. And one thing happened. Tht I thought would never. Randy showed up and kissed my head. Giving me a small bear. Everyone knew I loved stuffed animals. And he whispered "you're my brother Jacob. I'm so sorry I ever did those things to you. I wish we could switch places." Then left.

They killed me. With wordsWhere stories live. Discover now