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Colby's POV
As I lay there with Elizabeth until I hear the doorbell ring. Elizabeth shifts but doesn't get up. I groan as I throw the covers off of me, put on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt, then lazily make my way downstairs. I fix my hair so it looks somewhat presentable before opening the door. Isabella, Katy, and Katy's mom are standing there.

"Umm... yes?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Isabella got sick and I wanted to bring her myself so she would get here quicker also so I wouldn't bother you," Katy's mom says. I look at Isabella whose face is flushed and is holding her stomach.

"Oh okay. I'm sorry about for the trouble. I have no idea how she would've gotten sick," I say while gently grabbing Isabella's arm to pull her into the house.

"It's no big deal. It happens," she says with a forgiving smile on her face. "Well, we gotta get going. I hope she feels better."

"Okay, thank you for bringing her here," I say, "have a safe drive home."

She responds with a smile before she and Katy walk to their car.

"Cwoby, I feel like poop," Isabella mumbles while looking at the floor.

"Let's get you up to bed and I'll make you some soup. How does that sound?" I ask and she nods. I pick her up, praying to god she doesn't throw up on me. I lay her down on her bed and then I hear what sounds like someone throwing up in my room. I rush in there to see Elizabeth throwing up all over my bed. I try my best not to gag. She looks up at me with worry on her face.

"Oh my god, Colby, I'm so sorry I didn't have time to go to the bathroom. I promise you that I will clean it all up myself," she rushes out.

"No, no," I shake my head," I can take care of it myself. I'm going to bring you to your room so I can clean the sheets and covers so that you're not laying you puke."

"O- okay," she agrees. I carefully pick her up bridal style and I thank god that she didn't get any puke on herself. Once I get her comfortable in her bed, I go back to my room to collect the sheets and sheets.

"Cwoby!" I sigh as I hear Isabella yell for me.

"Yes?" I say as I walk into her room with the puke covered things in my arms.

"I want my soup now mista, I'm dying hewe," she says.

"I haven't made it yet," I say and she pouts.

"Pwease make it soon," she says with the fake pout still on her lips.

"I will," I say then, go downstairs. I get as much puke off of the sheets and covers as much as I can before putting the sheets in the washer first. I go to the kitchen to make some Campbell's chicken noodle soup for Isabella.

"Hi, Colby," Elizabeth says sounding stuffed up.

"Umm, what are you doing down here?" I say sternly," you should be upstairs resting."

"No, I need to be down here helping. I'm the babysitter for Pete's sake," she refuses.

"How did you know Isabella was sick?" I ask.

"I could hear her groaning 'I'm so sick' and 'I'm dying' from her room," she says causing me to let out a small chuckle.

"Elizabeth, I got this. You need to rest, you're sick too and need to rest so you can feel better soon," I say. She just groans and then goes upstairs. I'm so happy I didn't have to argue with her much because I don't have time for that and neither does she. When the soup's done, I bring it up to Isabella who's sleeping. I gently shake her awake and surprisingly, she doesn't complain.

"Soup!" she yells as loud as she can, which isn't very loud at all. I just smile at her and help her sit up. I carefully feed the soup to her, which was surprisingly not too hot much at all. "I done."

I put down the still kind of bowl of soup down before she lays back down and I tuck her in, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of her feverish feeling forehead. I go to Elizabeth's room to check on her and she was sleeping, or so I thought.

"Colby?" I hear before I close her door.

"Yeah?" I ask stepping back into the room.

"Do you think that you're going to end up getting sick too since we did... ya know earlier today? If I get you sick I'm really sorry," she says and I still can't but smile at the fact that she's so caring even though she's sick.

"Well, I haven't been feeling sick at all but I could still end up getting sick. But I sure hope I don't," I chuckle. I wait for her to respond but all she does is nod and drift off to sleep. I quietly close the door and head to my room. I go on my laptop and go to YouTube while hoping that I can get some alone time. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind taking care of them it's just that I do need at least some alone time and plus, they're sleeping right now anyways.

Elizabeth's POV
I can't sleep. I've been trying to and I'm so exhausted and keep like complete shit but I just can't seem to fall asleep. I have the feeling that I should be helping Colby out and that feeling is keeping me awake. I really wish I wasn't sick. I can't afford this and he probably hates me for getting sick. I fucking hate this. I feel so helpless and Colby won't even let me help him out. I swear I'm fine. I don't need to be in this bed.

You're probably thinking that I'm crazy since I want to be helping out and doing things while I'm sick but that's because I just feel completely bad. Colby wasn't supposed to be taking care of either Isabella or me. I just hope he doesn't hate me. He doesn't right?

Hey, guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please vote and comment!

Also, sorry for it being a boring ass filler chapter it happens.

X Grace

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