Chapter 10 Find the Stone, train like a shaman

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As soon as Sakura said her what she wanted to say to Hao. Hao meanwhile felt his mouth had almost parted in shock from hearing her words if he had not tried to mask his reaction, Sakura on the other hand looked at him to and sensed his feelings which left her confused, shouldn't he be happy about her now choosing to train?

Hao as he looked at her almost swallowed heavily, he knew should be happy and truthfully he did want to be. Yet without knowing how or why the shocked male could almost hear the sound of a large bell ring in such a low tone that it unsettled him followed by the sound of a metal door being closed and then slammed shut creating a loud unforgiving bang leaving him almost feeling goosebumps at hearing the noises. This in turn left him to feeling as if she had been shackled and had sealed her own fate to something bad which resulted in him being completely unsettled. Did this mean her now deciding to train mean something was going to happen? Again, Hao should have been happy and yet... he had a foreboding that something truly horrible was about to happen to her and he was left powerless to stop it. His mind soon went to him holding Yumi's lifeless bloody form in his arms which made him almost cry and run at how it almost destroyed him to the point death had been something he wanted, all to make the pain go away and to escape the hell that consumed him until Matamune had entered his life followed by Sakura. Hao now that he was in this position didn't want this, he didn't want her to suffer from what the others would say or do to her. He didn't want to lose her like he lost his wife and child, no all he wanted to do was say no and take her away with him. Somewhere far away from this place and to never return but he knew that was a false idea, after all he had the other Onmyōjis and students to care for. This was his household and they looked to him for guidance so what kind of teacher would he be if he ran because of fear? Why was this happening? It was tearing him to shreds and it had felt like he had opened a forbidden door that would never close no matter how hard he tried to push against it.

As he was left to endure these thoughts and feelings, his ears were unable to pick up the angry noises that sounded like many bug wings flapping rapidly to the point it would have been annoying but he paid no heed. Almost as if his spirit had left his body and yet had remained leaving him stuck in between. Hao did not move or speak, his eyes remained solely on Sakura while at the same time felt weightless until he saw Matamune escort Alia out the room. Seeing this left Hao feeling powerless to stop his friend from taking his only lifeline from him leaving him too scared to do anything to pacify everyone until one of the older men had stood up and ordered everyone to be silent causing everyone to stop altogether due to how sharp his tone was. No one argued or tried anything when it came to Li Ran. No he was in more ways than one the second head of the household who worked closely with Hao and it was thanks to his teachings that allowed Hao to be where he was now, he was a force to be reckoned with.

"Now that I have all your attention, can you explain to us what is going on?" Li Ran asked Hao who slowly regained the ability to move, sluggish movements stopped once he looked at his old mentor. Hao's eyes remained almost unfocused causing Li Ran to scoff and grab Hao by the upper arm and pulled him out the other side of the room despite being watched by everyone's confused looks, despite that no one dared to breathe a word in case Li Ran was listening.


Alia leered at the people through the door due to hearing what they were saying and thinking while Matamune stared at her with a sad expression, soon Alia bristled once she heard the booming voice followed by a loud slam that left her on edge before she regained her composure.

"Are you sure about this Alia? It will be tough" he said once they went further away towards the hallways that led to the bridge over the small lake. Alia turned her head slightly in order to look at him with a knowing expression.

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