Chapter 4

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 Jakes POV

As I was walking back to my room I got a call.  "hello"   I said.

"Did you do what I asked"  The alpha king asked.

 "yes Sir" I shot back.

 "Have any of your pack members seen my daughter?"

 "No, But I told them To keep a close eye, and to tell me if they see anything suspicious."

 "good."  He replied.

 "Just a question sir... but does she know shes a werewolf?" I asked hesentantly.

 "No and thats why I'm worried, she will be shifting soon and i'm worried she wont know what to do."

 "ok sir, we will defidently keep an eye out for her" I replied.

 "Thank you" he replied befor hanging up.

 I made it back to my room and laid down with my thoughts.

The Alpha king's daughter is missing and since I have one of the largest and strongest packs in the country and she lived around here he thought  we could catch her kidnappers. That's what our pack meeting was for.  We have pictures of her, and she is beautiful, but i've never seen her befor and apparently, The alpha king was abusive towards his family so they left him, and the girl dosen't even know she is a werewolf.

 When Luke and Gabe arrived late to the meeting it made me wonder if thoes two have anything to do with this kidnapping.  They both are 18 and neither have a mate, so who knows what lengths thoes two would go to, to have some 'company'.  They know that they would be kicked out of the pack, so hopefully there not as stupid as I think.

 I'm 17 and im currently alpha of my pack. I have not found my mate yet, and that dosent look good for an alpha. It means that I wont be able to have a next alpha, so I have to find my mate soon before I have to be mated with a random pack girl. Sure I'm a ladies man, but I refuse to be with anybody but my mate.

 Jaymes POV

 Gosh I wish I had my phone. I Most likely left it in my sleepover bag, which they probabbly have hidden somewhere, If not Its sitting on the side of the road somewhere. I wonder if my Mom is looking for me. Im a pretty good kid so she is probabbly freaking out. I wonder if she knows Im a wolf. If she does i'm going to kill her, Not littlary of course.

 I wonder why maddie would want me kidnapped. As far as I know we were on good terms. She was always a hesatant friend toward me but I didn't think she would go to these lengths... would she? I guess she was acting kinda spacy and nevious at the party. Gosh I hate her. And i'm so scare of what Luke and Gabe will do to me. I know they were interuped last time, But i scared as to what will happen when they dont get interupted. The thought sents shivers throught me.

 I start crying from how scared I am.  "HELP!" I try yelling. I wait a few minutes And nothing. "HELP... PLEASE." I scream hoping that somebody other than my kidnappers will hear me. Mabey they will let me out.  "...PLEASE"  By now im begging. Im so scared. Why Me? huh. Why Me?  I Never did anything to upset anybody.

 Im sitting with my back pushed up aganst the old metal head rest of the bed. I drag my knees up to my chest and rap my arms around them.  I burry my head in my knees and cry untill I cant cry no more, and it turns into a dry sob.

 I havent Seen Luke or Gabe since they left yesterday. They didnt even come back to feed me lasst night or this morning. I Hear foot steps, and I realize I can because of my wolf hearing. It's above me so I wonder If they could hear me now. "HELP" I yell, A little louder this time. I don't Know what type of bulding I'm in but I'm hoping they can hear me.

 The door creaks open And A figure start to walk down the stairs. I guess that somebody heard me. I really Hope its not Luke or Gabe because they would probably hurt me for screaming.

 It's not Luke or Gabe. It's a teenage girl about my age.

 "OH Crap!" She gasps. She rushes to the cage to try and open it but she dosent have a key. "Oh My Gosh! Your the Alpha Kings daughter. My brother Jake told the whole pack about you" She says, and it really confuses me. "Who Locked you down-"  She is innerupted by Luke "WHY ARE YOU DOWN HERE" He growls very scarry and loud.

 "You kidnapped her!" she accuses him.  "you know jake is going to kick you out of the pack right?" She askes him.

 "NO, because your not going to tell him are you"  he says sternly.

 "Oh yes I am!" She says as she stomps up the stairs.  It gives me a glimer of hope.

 Luke drags her back down the stairs. "No your not going to tell him, unless you want me to tell him about your little secret." he says with a proud smirk on his face.

 she gasps. "you wouldent." she says stunned.

 "Oh yes i would."

 She turns to look back at me. "sorry" she mouths and turns back to luke. "Fine I wont tell. Just DONT do anything to her." 

 "Yes mother" He mocks.  "What were you even doing near this part of the house?" He asks.

 "Things that DONT Concern you." she snaps back, and With that she stomps up the stairs  to leave and all my hope vanshes when I realize I'm now stuck down here with a very, very angry Luke.


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--- Jessica

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