Chapter 3

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Jaymes POV

I didn't know what time it was because these cells didn't have any windows or hardly any light in general. The only light in the cell that I am is a lightbulb that I can't reach. I was in my own thoughts when all of a sudden I saw the door open and the light coming from the opening causing me to go blind for a second. When I thought it couldn't get anymore scarer there where like five hundred guys that came in...okay maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit...maybe a lot. There was only two guys but they were BIG, I recognized one of them I think his name was Luke. All of sudden I heard one of them laugh.

"Gosh Luke, she is a beauty!" The one who was laughing exclaimed. I didn't want to know why he was laughing and saying that.

"Yeah, Maddie was so right when she said we would have fun with...the girl. We owe Maddie BIG time." Luke said, wait this can't be the Maddie I know. She's not like this, she wouldn't call for people to kidnap a friend. Would she? "Lets start having fun Gabe." Wait what did they mean by 'fun'? I so hope we're going to play board games, or anything else then what they're thinking.

"Lets start!" That Gabe guy exclaimed. They then walked down to my cell and unlocked it so I decided to surprise them and kneed them were the sun don't shine. "Good luck trying to get the door open," Gabe said. He then got up and grabbed me.

"Let me go! HELP!!" I yelled trying to get help, "I'm kidnapped! Someone he-" *smack*.

"Shut up!" Luke yelled at after he slapped me in the face. "You are not allowed to say anything or even yell or else this whole situation will get worse." He warned, oh yeah how else can it get worse. I thought to myself.

All of a sudden I felt myself get thrown on the bed, the next surprise I felt but also heard was my hands getting handcuffed to the bed. I tried kicking them, hitting them, and even bite them; but that never fazed them at all.

"Gabe, take her clothes off!" Luke ordered.

"NO! HELP!!" I then started kicking Gabe again.

"Didn't we tell you to not yell or say anything!" Luke shouted, he then punched me in the gut and then smacked my face again. I decided to keep fighting and move around to make it harder on them.

'Alice I need your help'

'I'm sorry I can't help you till your sixteenth birthday when you change' she explained.

'It's fine I understand'

I was apparently I was talking to Alice for a while because they were down to my undergarments. I saw Luke's eyes change to ink black like he was about to change or that it was lust. He got his shirt off when he then said some cuss words. Luke and Gabe looked at each other than at me then back at each other.

"We'll be right back, don't do anything stupid." Luke warned then Gabe took a sock and then put it in my mouth, and then put duct tape over my mouth to keep the sock in. I wonder what's going on though.

'Alice what am I going to do? Once they get back down here they're going to finish what they started.' I asked my wolf panicking.

'I'm not sure...they have you handcuffed so you can't get dressed or defend yourself. Just scream and fight as much as you can and hope for the best.' Alice responded.


Lukes POV

I could feel my wolf coming out and my eyes change. The look on her face was such a turn on for me with her tears running down her semi-naked body. I started to take my shirt on when I heard through mindlink that Jake was calling a pack meeting, I was so close! I'm so mad that Jake had to call a pack meeting right this second, why couldn't it wait till...never!? I got my shirt back on; Gabe and I then quickly got upstairs before people got suspicous for why we were down in the prison cells. We saw that everbody was up in the meeting room already so people were eyeing us up and down wondering why we were late.

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