This island is all we know. We do not know where we came from. But we do know that we have people dropped off here and others taken away since they are to old to stay. But we always treat each other like a family. We mine everyday for something shiny that doesnt age but little chips of the shiny stuff is said to be powerfull. On the edges of our little island is our homes. They have bars around the place where families and sometimes children live. There is more made everyday for families who have to many children. We go into those homes at night and wait for the metal beast to pull us out into the blue to let the homes sink into the blue. We breathe fine when we are in our homes under the blue but sometimes something goes wrong and some of the homes break and the families stop moving forever. The oldest ones call it the forever sleep. We always pull through. We have to put the ones who forever sleep back into blue and let them sleep in the blue. Some of the other families have to put the children of the familes that forever sleep into their care. But we manage to always, always always, give the metal man his shiny rocks. Almost forgot! Some of the metal men fix the homes that broke under the blue that put the people into forever sleep.
The Isle Of Prisoners
De TodoThis story came to me at.. 10:30 in the morning after I had a dream that made me go "I MUST WRITE THIS" I was tired last night so i slept until 10:30am then had the dream. Bloody hell if I could remember the whole thing it would be one weird bloody...