Face Your Fears

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"No I don't want to move anyways, so why would I pack?" I fought on the phone with my mom.

"Honey I haven't seen you for almost a week and a half. Please don't make this harder than it has to be." She pleaded. I sighed into the phone and mumbled I'd be home in 20.

I sighed and threw myself face first into the couch. "Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I groaned.

I heard Robert walk into the living room. "Do you need a ride home?" He asked in a soft voice, leaning against the doorway.

"No what I NEED is for you to drive me to the nearest bridge." I said sitting up.

He walked over and sat next to me. I buried my face in his shoulder. "Why?" He sounded really confused.

"So I can jump off." I mumbled.

"No!" He gasped. I smirked into his shoulder.

"Why not?" I chuckled.

"Because if you kill yourself I'll like literally die." He said in a teenage voice.

"Okay. You've been teaching high school waaaaaay to long." I smirked pecking him on the lips.

We pulled away and he just stared at me. "What?" I grinned.

"I love you." He stated simply.

"I love you more." I smiled, tears rushing to my eyes.

"imposible!" He yelled in an attempted Spanish accent.

I chuckled and laid my head in his lap. "What time is it?"


"A.M.?!" What the hell?!

"Yes ma'am."

"Ughhhhhh" I threw my hands over my face.

We sat there in silence for awhile.

"Tell ya what. How about I take you home and you can start packing. And then I'll pick you up around noon for a surprise." He smiled down at me.

I peeked one eye at him. "A surpriiiiiise huh?" I rose an eyebrow at him.

"Yes a surpriiiiiise." He chuckled.

I sighed. "Alright." I sat up and we walked to his car.

*****noon*****(because I don't need to describe her putting her shit into boxes)

I finally finished the majority of my packing and finally laid down on my bed.

Rea: "what should I wear?"

Rob: "something comfortable?"

I sighed and threw my phone next to me and dug through the boxes for an outfit.

I finally settled on a guns and roses muscle tee and a black pair of shorts.

Rea: "ready whenever."

Rob: "alright. B there in 5"

I sighed and sat cross legged on my bed, looking around at the emptiness of it. I felt the tears coming, as one was about to fall I felt my phone buzz. I sniffed and blinked back the tears.

I looked in the mirror really quick and checked myself. Okay. Ready.

I jogged down the stairs and out to the car. I'm not feeling to crazy right now. I actually uh feel like shit. But I'm not gonna let Robert see that.

"Hi" I smiled weakly kissing him.

"Hey baby." He smiled back.

He just started driving without another word.

"Where are we goin?" I asked trying to act peppy.

"Somewhere..." He smirked.

"Ugh rob. The secrecy." I sigh.

"I knoooow but it'll be worth it I promise." He smiled.

"So you say." I give him a fake annoyed look.

We sat in the silence for a good 30 minutes before I saw a sign that said, "6 Flags in 8 Miles."

6 Flags? "6 Flags?!" I yelled looking at him in terror.

"Yeah!" He yelled in excitement.

"Robert! You know I'm terrified of roller coasters!" I sat back in my seat and started breathing heavily.

"I know. But we have to go on adventures before you... Ya know."

"Kill myself?" I raised my eyebrows.

"NO!!!" He yelled looking at me in disgust. "Before you move." He looked over with sad eyes.

I looked into his eyes and instantly relaxed. "Okay." I smiled.

"Okay." He smiled back.

We finally got there and of course he drags me to the biggest fucking coaster first.

"Robert no." I grabbed his arm.

"Come ooooon lets just get it over with!" He smiled and continued pulling me.

I nodded and walked over, my knees shaking. We got buckled in and I almost passed out. "Robert..." He grabbed my hand.

"Do you trust me?" He asked stroking my hand. The thing started moving and taking us up the fucking hill.

My breath hitched and I squealed a bit. "No matter how much I trust you that won't stop this roller coaster from going off the fucking tracks and killing us both." I said in a shaky voice."

"Honeeeeeey you're gonna be fine." I leaned back and prepared for the fall. I opened my eyes and we went down. I screamed my bloody lungs out and Robert was laughing all the way.

"Oh my god I hate you!" I yelled at him.

Before I knew it the ride was over. "Holy shit." I sighed.

"How'd you like it?" He laughed.

I stood up adjusting myself and catching my breathe. "I hate you."

"No you doooont!!" He pulled my into a hug and kissed my forehead.

"Don't be so sure." I mumbled. We ended up riding the rest of the rides and didn't leave until like 9.

"Wow." He laughed getting into the car. "Did youngsters to like them near the end?"

"I guess!" I laughed. "More than I did before!!" He grabbed my hand and started driving home. It was quiet and I liked it.

"I love you." I kissed him. "Thank you for taking me here to face my fears with you." I kissed his cheek.

"I love you more." He smiled squeezing my hand. "Hey. It's Monday.... And your birthday is on Saturday." He smirked wiggling his eyebrows.

"It is?" I smirked.

"Mmmmhmmmm" he put his hand on my thigh.

"Well isn't thaaaat exciting!" I grinned moving my hand on top if his.

He smiled and kissed me slowly at a stop light. It turned green quickly and he pulled away and began to drive.

I smiled to myself and interlocked fingers with him.

"Wanna get ice cream my love?" He asked sweetly.

"I'd love to get ice cream." I squeezed his hand.

We shared a short glance and continued driving in silence.



I love you guys and I sweaaaar I haven't forgotten about y'all.

Okayyyy I'll leave.


PS I love you guys soooo much<3

Illegal Affairs {A Robert Downey Jr. Teacher/Student Fan Fiction}Where stories live. Discover now