Chapter 5

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After he told me he still loved her I stood quiet and looked through the window

-Do you wanna watch a movie?- he asked and slowly got closer to me again

-Yes, but I probably will fall asleep, so I don't promise anything the movement usually makes me sleepy- he laughed

-It's okay the same happens to me, how about the greatest showman?- he took out the CD and I smiled

-I love that movie!- I screamed and he put it on. After about half an hour I noticed Alex was falling asleep, his head started to fall, and I knew if he stayed that way his neck was going to hurt when he woke up

-You can rest your head on my lap- I whispered to him and he looked at me thinking

-I don't bite Alex- I giggled and took his head to rested it on my lap, I caressed his curly hair and contemplated his face, he was gorgeous, his freckles were adorable as well as his curls, his lips were perfect, not too big, but not too small, "God what am I doing? I need to stop this, he loves someone else" I sighed and closed my eyes trying to sleep, I usually don't have problems with that but that day I did, after a lot of effort we were both finally sleeping.

I open my eyes when the car stop moving and found Alex still resting on me, Carl told me we had arrived at the stadium and that I had to wake him up

-Alex- I whispered in his ear but he didn't even move

-Alex woke up. We're here- this time I shacked him a little but still no answer from him

-Come on Alex, woke up- he just denied and go back to sleep, so the idea of tickling him came to my mind, I started doing it and he started to move, that was working so I kept doing it until he woke up

-Stop doing that!- he laughed and sat again

-We're here- I smiled and he jawed watching his watch

-Great we have a couple of hours left, come I'll give you a tour- he grabbed my hand and something inside of me jump, he helped me to go out of the car and lead me to the main entrance. We went inside, and he asked me if I wanted to go to the dressing room, it sounded fun so I said yes, as we were getting closer lots of laughs and voices were heard, Alex stopped walking and looked at me

-Do you mind if some of the boys are there? They arrived earlier-

-No, of course not- he nodded and kept walking when we were there he got inside first to check if all of them were presentable when he made sure of that he called me, and I went in

-Guys, I want you to meet Perrie- Alex introduced me and the boys were really nice and started to say hello

-Looks like our boy has a new girlfriend-

-What? No Mo she is just a friend right P?- I laughed and nodded

-He is too grumpy for me- I said and his teammates laughed

-Chambo grumpy? He is the funniest lad around here- Roberto said and I was surprised

-Is he? Well not with me- I laughed

-Why are you grumpy with her Alex? Don't you know how to flirt?- Sadio joked and Alex laughed a little, I thought that was a process at least he laughed and didn't got mad like the other times

-Trust me I know better than you mate, but I just came here to show Pez the dressing room, so we're leaving now guys. You better win that match- I started to say goodbye to everyone

-It's a shame you two aren't a couple you would make a cute and powerful one- Jordan told us and I smiled imaging us, we definitely would

-Good luck guys- I waved one last time and got out of there, after leaving the dressing room we went to the pitch, a paparazzi was there and asked us for a picture, I looked at Alex asking him if we wanted to

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