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There weren't any complaints or crying during the whole six hour drive to the cottage. Although Hachi was still tired from having to stare at the road for so dang long (ignoring Autumn who wanted to switch with him). He couldn't have had something for his mind to focus on considering what he was going to do later on that night.

The man let out a sigh as he turned off the car engine and opened his door to step out of the car. He took a deep breath of fresh air and let it all out with a smile on his face. The house looked wonderful and all the tall trees just complimented it, making it all complete in a way.

"The Butler was right, this place really is something." Hachikawa said as he took a moment to look around at the surrounding area.

"Well of course he was right, he wouldn't let us go somewhere awful."
Autumn said to him as she went to the trunk of the car. Hachi just let out a chuckle as he started to unload the luggage from the back. The whole unpacking and making sure everything was alright took a little over thirty minutes to do, ultimately leaving them more exhausted. Hachikawa walked down the steps that lead into the spacious living room, only to see that Autumn was once again passed out with the twins in her arms.


He couldn't have slept even if he tried to do so honestly. So instead he decided to go outside and search around a little bit. He wanted to have the perfect spot to pop the question to the person he loves the most, the person who has been by his side through thick and thin, and through their journey from hating each other to loving each other.
It took him about an hour roughly before he decided that he found the right place. When he saw the place that he decided he knew it was the right one at first sight. Almost like a love at first sight except instead it was with some land.
By the time he got back to the house it was already sunset. Time flies when you are a busy and stressed man.

As he opened the door the first person to greet him was Autumn herself. He smiled as she kissed his cheek and began walking by his side.

"Where've you been? Ayeka says you've been gone a while." She said softly as she reached out to grab his hand, intertwining her slim fingers with his larger ones.

"Oh I was checking out the place, making sure everything's ok"Autumn hummed sarcastically in response, completely believing his excuse. Hachi then stopped and got in front of her, now holding both of her hands

"I did find this one place I'd like to show you."
He said in an seemingly uncharacteristic excited tone for the man.

"What about the kids Hachi?"
There was a slight tone of worry in her voice as she looked up at the man.

"I'm sure Ayeka can watch them, she's a pro at it."
Autumn thought for a second and agreed to it.

"I'll go and tell Ayeka, meet you back at the front door!"
She smiled at Hachi who smiled back as she left the hallway to go search for the other woman. Instead of walking to the front door he bolted back to their room. He then grabbed his suitcase and practically ransacked it before finding the small object that he needed for the night.

A small and fuzzy little black box.

Hachikawa then rushed back down stairs, to the front door where Autumn appeared seconds after he did. He grinned at her like he wasn't just rushing to get there in the first place.

"You ready?"

"As long as we're not going off to fight any one I am."
He let out a chuckle while she giggled softly. He reached over and intertwined his fingers with hers as they walked out into the night. Hachi lead them down a trail, the trees as well as themselves were illuminated by the soft, silver moonlight. Everything had a silver tint to it from the said moonlight.
Suddenly Autumn gasped and pointed just ahead of themselves. A flash of light once, twice, and three times. They were-

Autumn said softly as the began to get more frequent the further down the trail they went. Then they had arrived where Hachi wanted to take her since hours ago. The two both walked into a large clearing from the trees with a river and a lone tree next to the slow moving water. Not to mention that they both had a perfect view of the stars, the moon, and of course the fireflies that were all over the clearing and river.

"Oh wow.."
Autumn said softly. Hachi just looked at her and smiled as they slowly walked through the clearing, each step waking up more fireflies and causing them to fly into the air. As they we reaching the riverbank Autumn walked just ahead of Hachi, letting him watch her from behind.
Then they hit him, the terrible what if's. His heart started beating rapidly as his mind raced a hundred miles an hour, coming up with some situations that were realistic and others that were not.
'What if she says no, what if a meteor hits her...'
Ok that latter part wouldn't happen but still, what if it did?
'What if-'

His thoughts were shattered by the soft laughter and his eyes landed back onto Autumn who had a firefly on her finger. He just loved how fascinated she looked at the firefly, he loved how beautiful she looked just standing there on the riverside under the moon and tree..

He loved her..

His heart then began to slightly calmed down as he started to walk walked over to her.

"Autumn I love you so much..."

He got down on one knee and reached into his pocket, pulling out the black box.

"Will you marry me?"

The tiny bug would leave her finger at that moment he popped the question. Her hands intertwined with one another before she brought them to her chest.
The scene was beautiful, the stars shined brightly giving a twinkle in her eyes every time she looked up. There was no better timing for this to happen than this very moment.

Her heart raced as her body soon fizzed with a warm happy feeling. That special feeling that only he seemed to give her. It was a feeling that was so addicting, one that she couldn't live without any more. She loved him as well, how could she say no?


Autumn blushed deeply as she tried to contain her excitement and joy that coursed through her very being. Tackling Hachi to the ground in a tight hug she chuckled as she looked down at him.

"I love you just as much! And this was what you had planned !? Jeez hachi you blew me away "
She rubbed the back of her short white hair as she laughed. Autumn didn't think she was getting married any time soon let alone start a family but one thing was for sure:

Despite all this bad luck the good fortune has finally come.

The moon light shined brightly on the pair as the fireflies danced around the air like small yellow stars all while the two investigators cuddled together. Sharing some sweet kisses as they enjoyed their one true moment of peace.

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