The docks

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*Isabella and Sav in the car*

Isabella's POV

"WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING SAVANNAH!?!" I boomed at Sav while driving like a maniac.
"I don't know..." she almost whispered.
   "WHAT?! I CANT HEAR YOU!!" I was fuming.
   "What the FUCK do you mean you don't know?! What in that fucking head of yours thought it would be ok to race in MY car then bet it!!! I'm so furious at you Savannah!"
   "I'M SORRY BELLA!" She started to tear up and her voice got shaky.

   I didn't say anything else to her the whole way home

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   I didn't say anything else to her the whole way home. We just sat in silence.

   When we pulled up to the house I stopped in the driveway by the front door. I sat there and waited for her to get out.
   "I'm sorry Bella. I'll make this right..." she said as she got out. When she shut the door I sped off.

   I needed to clear my head before I fucking killed her. I love her but she crossed the line. It was so disrespectful for her to do me like that.

   She knows how I am with my car. I've put so much time and money into it. It's how I fucking make my own money.

   Yes my parents have bank accounts set up for me that I can use but I always felt like I needed to support myself. I just needed to drive around to clear my head.

   As I drove, an idea came to my head so I started to make some calls.

  "Hello Martin."
"Who's this?!"
"For someone who likes to make threats you sure are sloppy."
"Donatello huh?" I could hear his smirk.
"That's right." No one knew my real last name. They all just knew me as Donatello because that's the crew I ran with.
"How did you get my name and number?"
"Let not ask stupid questions. You know who the fuck I and what connections I have."
"Well I sure hope your calling to pay the debt that's owed to me!"
"As a matter of fact I am.. meet me at the docks in Brooklyn in two hours. You know which ones." We've had racing meetings at a certain spot before. It's secluded and no one will be around.
"Don't forget my car and money or else sweetie." He said sinisterly.
"Just be there. I'll have what's owed to you. "
"And come alone."
"Always." I hung up the phone.

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