Getting info

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Niko's POV

   "Honey!! I'm home!!" I heard my wife yell from the front door.

   I walked out and saw she had the bitch from the club tied up with her mouth taped. It looked like the girl got a good ass beating and it made me happy to see.

   "Look what we have here." I said causing the girl to squirm.
   "Quit moving bitch!" Isabella yelled then hit the girl.
   "Take her to the cells." I told my men.

   We let the girl cry a while by herself in the dark then we went to get some information.

When Isabella and myself opened the cell door the girl jumped from the creak.

   All we heard was her muffled cries so Bella ripped the tape off of her mouth.
   "Now... Bitch. We're going to ask some questions and you're going to answer them. And don't lie. Because if you do... my husband here will cut off every finger, toe, and limb you have." Bella said to the girl then ripped the tape off of her mouth causing her to scream.
   "First things first.. why did you think you could kiss my husband and get away with it?" She said squinting her eyes at the girl.
   "I-I'm sorry.. I was p-paid a lot of money to do it.." she cried
   "That brings up my second question.." Bella said as I grabbed a knife and flicked up open in front of the girl causing her to cry out.  "Who paid you to do this!" Bella said punching the girl in the cheek.
   "I-I d-don't know her name!"
   "Her who!!" I yelled.
   "S-She's a blonde woman. H-Hailey I think?!"
"Holly?!?!" I yelled.
"Yes that's it! P-please let me go." She cried.
"Hmmm??? I don't think so." I said sinisterly.
"NO PLEASE!!!!" She screamed right before my husband handed me his knife and I slit the bitches throat.

She was choking on her blood staring me in the eyes as she died.
"Maybe this will teach bitches like you not to touch what's not theirs." I smiled then walked away.

Isabella's POV

   Niko and I went to his office to talk about what our plan was going to be.
   "Come here." Niko said sitting down in his chair. I walked over to him and sat on his desk.
   "Yes baby."
   "How are you feeling about all of this?"
   "Fine. But I want you to know I'll be killing Holly myself."
   "That's understandable." He smiled then placed his hand on my thighs pulling me closer to the edge of the desk.
   "What are you doing baby?" I questioned with a smile.
   "Well." He started saying as he slid off my shoes then  stood up and pulled my shirt off of my body. "I'm about to fuck my wife on my desk." He said laying me back then unbuttoning my jeans and pulling them off.
   "Oh really." I breathed out
   "Really." He growled.

   Before I knew it he was deep inside me fucking me hard on his desk.

   Just as I was at my peak about to cum, the office door opened causing Niko and I to look up

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   Just as I was at my peak about to cum, the office door opened causing Niko and I to look up. It was Enzo.
   "Oh shit my bad. Please continue." He said then winked at us and walked out.
   I looked up at Niko and he looked back down at me. I could tell he was pissed his brother just saw us fucking on his desk but at least I still had my bra on and Niko was on top of me hiding everything from the waist down. so he really didn't see much.

   "Keep fucking me." I said pulling him down by his tie into a kiss.

   Niko continued but harder this time. It wasn't long until we both came.
   "I love you Niko."
   "I love you too Isabella." He said kissing me.

   I got off of the desk and put my clothes back on while Niko fixed himself too.
   "I'm going to check on Antonio." I smiled while putting my shirt back on.
"Ok doll." He said slapping my ass.

Niko's POV

I sat back down at my desk and called Enzo back in.
"Hey man sorry..." I cut him off.
"I want everyone to knock before coming into my office. And that goes for you, Luca, and Sav as well. If you were anybody else I would have killed you. I don't like people seeing my wife expised like that!." I said angrily.
"Hey I wasn't looking although what I did catch..." I slammed my fists on the desk.
"DONT! I swear to god if you say what your about to say I'll fuck you up!" I boomed.
"Ok ok."
"Now what was so important??"
"We got in contact with Dean."
   "He says Holly went AWOL. Left him and the kids again. He thought she was with us."
   "And he didn't come after her??"
   "He said he doesn't want shit to do with her. He's just trying to take care of himself and the kids. He's fallen into some hard times being a single parent."
   "Send for him and the kids. Maybe I can offer him a job again."
   "Well that's nice of you." Enzo said confused.
   "It's not his fault he fell in love with a crazy bitch."
   "Alright. I'll do what I have to do to get things set up for him and his kids."
   "Good. Now what about Holly?"
   "We got a number for her off of a few different people."
   "Good. Give it to me." Just as I said that Isabella walked back in.
   "Antonio's fine. So what's up? Did you guys find anything?" She asked.

   I explained everything to her and she smiled.

   "Call her... Make it seem like you miss her. She'll fall for it. Trust me. Then lure her to one of our other homes where I'll be waiting. Like I said I want to be the one to kill the bitch." She was serious when talking.
   "You sure Bella?" Enzo asked
   "Yes. Get it done. I'm off to bed. Let me know how it goes." She said walking back out of the room.

   Enzo gave me a type of look and all I could do was chuckle. How'd I get so lucky with such a bad ass wife.

   "Alright let's do this." I said picking up my cell
Enzo sat back and listened quietly.

The phone rang a few times then she picked up.
   "Holly? Hey baby." I convincingly said.
   "Yup it's me."
   "What can I do for you? And how did you get my number?" She sounded confused.
   "Long story short the wife and I got into it. She's leaving and I need a good fuck. So that's why I'm calling you. Plus I miss you. And what kind of question is that? You know I'm a powerful man." I fucking cringed at my words.
   "Oh really?" I could tell she was trying to sound sexy.
   "Yes Holly. And I hope that husband of yours won't be a problem because you're mine Holly. And I intend on keeping you this time."
   "Oh baby. I've been waiting so long to hear you say that!"
   "So meet me tomorrow at the beach house. You remember which one right?"
   "How could I forget."
   "Good. I'll see you soon baby." I said then hung up.

   "Damn you were pretty convincing bro." Enzo said.
   "That's why I'm the boss." I smirked.
   "You're the boss because your older by a minute." He laughed.
   "What ever helps you sleep at night." I responded.

   Enzo got up and left my office so I could finish a few things. I needed to get stuff ready for tomorrow so my wife and I could do what we needed to do. This bitch had no fucking idea.

   Welp it was Holly and all her stupid bitchness lmaooo hope you all liked this chapter 💕😍 let me know what you think

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   Welp it was Holly and all her stupid bitchness lmaooo hope you all liked this chapter 💕😍 let me know what you think. And please don't forget to comment and vote 😘

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