-chapter one-

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 Belong - Gnash

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Belong - Gnash

June 16, 2005


"Watch your back"

"Come on, you can't be this useless"

"You're a freak"

"You will never be free from me"

     From that moment on, all you could hear was the shattering screams of a young boy. Creating chaos to whoever heard it. The piercing shrill scream sent teachers sprinting to the source of the sounds. Yet his classmates did quite the opposite. They didn't just start running away from the noise, they fled.

     I guess you could say this is normal. The boys name is Yoongi. Min Yoongi, but as many know him, strange. That's all he's ever been to them. It's not a bad thing, if you ask me, but he would never agree. He will never see the beautiful boy with the glowing porcelain skin, thin supple lips and soft eyes, hair drifting over his forehead. He will only ever be disgusted by the way his body was formed.
All he wanted with his life was to rest against the trees, as the other children ran around pretending to fly, or giggling as they tag their buddy who keeps insisting that they are not it.

He found beauty in things much different. The shine of the apples connected to the tree above him, or the hues of the sky that swirled around like one of his paintings. Many called it odd for a mere ten year old to have these thoughts. Yet when his mother cautiously asked for him to dial it down, that she feared he couldn't handle the comments, he didn't quite understand, demanding that he was just unique.

That he was.

     Now you see Yoongi didn't have the best luck; with anything, even sleeping. Which becomes all the more relevant at this moment as the raging scream that came from the boy flew throughout the air while he sat unconscious, seizing against the tree. He was dreaming of a monster- no, the monster. The ones who follow him everywhere. In the shadows and in the air above him, even the ones swimming in his head.

     Ms. Nim, the assistant english teacher was the first to reach him. She darted from the other side of the school playground, nearly trampling over children in her way. Trying to catch his hands so he wouldn't be able to struggle and fight as she tried to calm him. Cradling his body in her arms, seeing as he was quite small even for his age, running her hand throughout his hair, using the other to keep his arms to his chest. She whispered lullabies into his ear as the stroked up and down his back, the fabric tickling at her fingertips. Trying to welcome him back into the world of the living. She told him stories of the rose and it's thorns, how it was loved oh so dearly by a lily, reassuring him that even though he had his thorns, his lily would soon return to him.


"I sincerely apologize Ms. Kun ."

Alice was raging, to put it short. She felt her blood boiling under her skin, as if it agreed with her thoughts of strangling the principal. Her fluffy brown hair, whipping around her as she turned back to the man. Alice doubted his apology was truthful, considering he was kicking the boy she thought of as her son out of the school for something he couldn't control.

  "Yet I sincerely doubt that. Goodnight, Mr. Rogers." She sighed as she strutted out of the room, grabbing Yoongi's hand.

     "Mum?" He softly spoke.

     "Yes, Prince Charming?" She was happy that he was calling her mom, it took ten years after all.

     "Is there something wrong with me?" She stopped. Sliding her hands into his, kneeling down a bit so she could see eye to eye with him, her being above average height, and him lower. 

     "Now why would you think that."
She said it more as a statement then a question.

   He opened and closed his mouth, attempting to voice his thoughts. Drip. Then he was crying, not the type of silent crying you see in the movies where they look beautiful in the most heartbroken way.

     No, his lips never meeting from an open mouth cry, eyes burning in pain from the raged punches he earned when he told the other boys, "I'm not a freak."

     Hands wrapping around Alice's neck, curling up into her hair, tugging tightly at the strands. His whole body rattling forward in a symphony of cries, while his voice finally screams out after all this time.

Yet his pain didn't relieve itself, for it was in his heart, and that is much harder to get rid of.


Hey! I'm sorry for how infrequent I am going to be, I'm not good at writing when I'm in a bad spot with life which is like all the time? But I'll try. I promise  for whoever is reading that you will get longer chapters in the future!

(P.s.- Alice is up top! Of course you can imagine her however you want, but that it the closest I could get and I will keep searching for someone matching the image I had in mind. Here is another)

 Here is another)

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