Boggart || Fluff..??

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"This class is ridiculous" I whisper to Crabbe and Goyle, whom I only hang around because that's what my parents expect of me.

Everyone made their way into a line as professor Lupin asked. The first 5 or so people in front of me went. I was in front of granger and behind Potter. Potter's boggart turned to a dementor. I couldn't help but snigger a bit.

Lupin jumped in before Potter could deal with it himself. Everything sort of happened in a blur my heart was beating out of my chest. I knew what my boggart was. My father uses it on me every time I go back to the Manor. I'll never admit it out loud but Hogwarts is the only home I've ever had. The manor just feed like a prison for my father to train me into the perfect racist bigot he is. I hate it.

Professor calls me up next and my hands are shaking he asks me the same questions he had everyone. "Do you know what your boggart will be?" I nod and shut my eyes for a second.

I hear a gasp from Granger behind me and slowly open my eyes seeing what everyone else was.

I open them to see my father holding Granger by her hair, her toes only just touching the floor. I hear the gasps from behind. The boggart of my father starts to talk.

"Make her hate you. Make her cry and weep. If you continue to love this girl then I will kill her. You cannot have any association with a mudblood." Tears silently fall down my face leaving streaks. I hated seeing Granger like this. Even when she wasn't real. Her eyes were read and her lips were bleeding. Her hair was mated around my 'fathers' fingers and she was struggling to breathe. I take a slow, shaky breath and whisper the charm. I don't see what it changes to because I turn on my heel, I could swear I saw tears in Grangers face. I then walked out of the classroom.

Once I got outside I slumped up against the wall and sobbed even more. Not even bothering to cast a silencing spell. I hear footsteps and try to quickly wipe the tears away.

"Draco?" A soft voice whispers and I loose all control over my body. I shake and start crying even more. After a few seconds I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Draco, please look at me."
"No. I can't. You saw what my father would do to you. I can't."
"Draco. It was just a boggart" she says rubbing soothing circles on my back.
"But what if one day it's not. What if one day he stops giving me chances and actually goes through with it?"
"He threatens you? With my life?" Granger's voice shakes at the end of the sentence. I look up at her and nod.
"I know you don't like me at all and I know your never going to love me but please know that I never meant any of that I said. I-"
"Draco. I know." She smiled and cupped my face with her hand.

My eyes widen.
"Just let me do this. I, I wanna know what it feels like."
I nod and she leans in. When there's only millimeters between our lips she stops and looks up at my eyes.
I can't take it anymore and I grab both sides of her face and kiss her. Hard from the sudden impact but soft and innocent. I pull back after a second.
"I'm sorry- I don't know what it was- what came over me"
"Shut up Draco." She giggles.

I raise an eyebrow at her
"Make me" I challenge.
She laughs and kisses me again
I felt as is my heart was going to burst from happiness. My hands move to her waist and we slowly pull apart. She sighs contently and rests her forehead against mine.

"Well Ron. It seems I was right after all"
"Shut up harry. "
"Yeah but now you have do my homework for a month."

Granger and I break apart to see a red in the face Weasley and a smirking Potter.

"Hermione stop blushing. We would have found out anyway. Especially considering your boggart was him dying" he nodded in my direction.
I look at Granger and her face got even more red, I laugh and give her a hug.
"Granger? Be my girlfriend?" I whisper in my ear. She gasps.
"What about your dad."
"I'll protect you. I love you and nothing will ever happen to you"

The end. Aw I love this story.

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